XBOX REVIEW | White Day 2: The Flower That Tells Lies – Complete Edition 

XBOX REVIEW | White Day 2: The Flower That Tells Lies – Complete Edition 

It has been a good few years since I last played White Day: A labyrinth named School, so when I discovered the sequel was coming to Xbox Series S/X I jumped at the chance of reviewing it. White Day 2 is set again in Yeondu High School one day later where the events of the last game have left a mark. The game is spread across three chapters and follows a similar thread as the last game. You explore, avoid stalkers, get spooked by ghosts and solve mysteries. The issue with this game though is the aforementioned Stalkers. You will spend quite a lot of time running and hiding from them, I actually feel that they should have been utilised less often as they cease being scary after the umpteenth time you see them. I actually feel that this game was rushed. I know it has been out for a while on PC but even that version seemed a little bit too buggy. Actually I think that this is a straight port from PC to Xbox as even on the title screen you are asked to press any key and are given graphics options that do not belong on a console. I loved the first game in the series but this is a sequel for sequels sake. Oh and if you do end up buying this game please be warned that the frame rate drops make it unplayable on the Series S, it works fine on the Series X though.

ℹ️ Reviewed on Xbox Series X | Review code provided by PR/publisher, this review is the personal opinion of the writer. Got unanswered questions about this game? Get in touch on X!


Things I liked!

  • The Ghosts | As with the last game there are ghosts galore in the school and some interesting lore about them too. Ok so I honestly am having trouble finding things I actually liked about this game. There really isn’t much to go on.

Mixed & disliked!

  • Graphics | The graphics are pixelated, jittery and really just awful to look at. The torch you get goes from bright as hell to zero visibility with no in between. The game is not optimised to run on consoles and from what I have heard, the developers have no intention fixing it. A real shame considering the popularity of the first game.
  • The Stealth | Being stealthy is not really my thing, but even I can handle a little bit in horror games. In this game however you spend a huge chunk of time hiding from enemies that will not leave. for Example I managed to go and make myself a cup of tea and drink it before the stalker actually left the vicinity, and even then I got out of my hiding place and the spotted me with their back turned. So yes not a great mechanic.

How long did I play the review before publishing? 14 hours
How long to beat the story? 10 hours
How many Achievements did I earn before publishing? 3
How long to achieve 1000G | Depends on how many times you play through
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Score:25 /100 – Poorly optimised and a bit of a chore to play through. Get the first one if you don’t have it already but avoid this until it has had a rather hefty overhaul.