XBOX REVIEW | Fly Punch Boom

Fly Punch Boom is pure chaos, and I mean that in a good way, from the hilarious characters to the pounding beats and so much more. It is an absolute delight to play, and for all its simplistic-looking design, it actually contains quite a complex thought-driven fighting system. Button mashing is not going to cut it this time, so strap in, grab a controller and prepare for one of the most over-the-top wee games in a w

ℹ️ Reviewed on Xbox Series X | Review code provided by PR/publisher, this review is the personal opinion of the writer. Got unanswered questions about this game? Get in touch on X!

DeveloperJollypunch Games
PublisherJollypunch Games

Things I liked!

  • Graphics | Colourful, zany, insane, fantastic… There are a lot of words I could use to describe how this game looks, but in essence, it just looks like fun. Yup, this game is one of those rare ones that just captures the imagination from the get-go. You can see the comedy in every hand-drawn scene and character. Just be careful if you have any issues with flashing lights, as this game does have quite a bit of that.
  • Sound Design | Everything from the hits to the destruction of scenery and, of course, the music just all sound fantastic. I would even say it could give some AAA titles something to strive to achieve. The soundtrack was created by Giorgiost, who also does the soundtracks to some other favourites of mine, like Riddled Corpses and Demon’s Tier, so you know it will be epic.
  • Fighting | The fighting style in the game, as mentioned earlier, is not just a case of mashing buttons to get the better of your opponents; you have to play what amounts to a kind of rock-paper-scissors kind of thing, but you must act quickly and hit the buttons before your opponents to force them into obstacles and hopefully off the screen. I advise playing through the tutorial thoroughly before going into a full-on battle, though, as it does take just a little getting used to. Oh, and you are going to see some very interesting fatalities indeed (no spoilers).

Mixed & disliked!

  • Too Chaotic? | Sometimes when you are fighting multiple other players, you can lose track of yourself, especially if some folk are playing as the same character as you, but you do quickly get used to the positioning of your fighter. However, I can see it being a bit of an issue if you are having a low-concentration kind of day, but my advice then would be to play something else till you feel energised enough to jump back into battle.


Score: 92/100 – Fly Punch Boom is silly, exciting, chaotic fun, and I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys a bit of PvP action in the style of Smash Bros with the added bonus of some pretty fun fatalities and, of course, some precision-based combat as well. Ok, honestly, this game should not work; everything is a contradiction, and that is what makes it so good. Everything about it screams that it shouldn’t work, but it all does, and it does it brilliantly. Highly recommended!
