What did you and we play this weekend? (Besides Cyberpunk 2077)

What did you and we play this weekend? (Besides Cyberpunk 2077)

Be sure to let us know on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram what YOU played! For now, here are a few LifeisXbox writers to tell you about their weekend.

Dae Jim: I had a rather slow gaming weekend while the entire gaming population on Earth was playing Cyberpunk 2077. Three Xbox Game Pass games got my attention and that was Monster Sanctuary, SUPERHOT: Mind Controle Delete, and Yooka-Laylee and the impossible Lair. Most time went into the Pokémon-inspired Monster Sanctuary, visually not the greatest but the gameplay is spot on! In between a few Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, really love Xbox Series X’s Quick Resume feature with online games. The quick hopping between games still feels magical!

VicciVulpix: Some of the usual this weekend. Played Warframe to check out the new update which released and made some more progress in various sections of the game. I played a few games of SMITE and have decided I want to learn more options for Solo lane which means more Guardians probably. Started to write my review for my latest completion, My Aunt is a Witch, and finally played the beginning of Tesla Force which I aim to spend more time on next week.

Robby: Not a lot of gaming this weekend. Finished up some achievements in Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory (getting the full 1000G will be a grind) and continued with Assassins Creed Valhalla. Also browsed the store for some discounts and picked up Typoman and Everspace. I played 20 minutes of the latter and traded it back in. It looks great, but the dogfighting just isn’t any fun and I knew I wouldn’t be able to force myself to keep playing. The first experience with trading in a game on Xbox and I must say it went great: had my credit back in only a few hours.

Maui: Didn’t game at all this weekend, except for an hour on Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory, had to catch up on some assignments for my photography class.