Be sure to let us know on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram what YOU played! For now, here are a few LifeisXbox writers to tell you about their weekend.
Dae Jim:
STILL playing Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, I’m about 70% done with the full completion and that’s about 100hours of playtime. This game is a BEAST! But it will be tamed!I also returned to Carrion, the metroidvania in which you play as a carnivorous monster that’s trying to escape a research facility. It’s a tough game to return to, as there is no “mission” telling you wat to do next and no minimap telling you where you are, so I sadly had to turn to an online guide just to reach the end and see the credits roll. Fun game, but could use some user friendly additions.
My weekend was focused on testing games for LifeIsXbox! Played some Super Sports Blast. I sucked at volley and soccer, but at least I was decent at playing tennis. Then I also played some Golf Party, a new Early Access game on Steam. Honestly, it’s a fun game but I couldn’t find a single match to join because there are just not enough players yet. Stay tuned for a full Super Sports Blast review and Golf Party preview this week!
Been playing MORKREDD on xbox for my very first xbox review that will be on the site soon. Also started with my review for Oracle Trials. The rest of the time I played Overwatch with Xen.
This weekend was the first true gaming weekend in a few months! I played a bit of my next review game Luciform, and picked up some other games along the way.
Dove in some No Mans Sky sessions and had a lot of fun. For the rest of the weekend I focussed on renovating and playing Overwatch with my GF. Picking up Hanzo and Genji now, and I must say, havent had such a blast in a long time!

Head of PC team. PC, Switch, and Xbox game reviewer. Also a marketeer, concert and animal lover, and photographer in training
Steam: Mauitje
Xbox: Mauitjexo