What did you and we play this weekend?

Be sure to let us know on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram what YOU played! For now, here are a few LifeisXbox writers to tell you about their weekend.

Dae Jim:
This weekend was all about The Medium for me, honestly one of the better horror games I played. The atmosphere and unique visuals really do it for me. This wasn’t the only good game I played, as I also started Olija. An entirely different kind of game but really satisfying to play, you’ll be able to read my review later this week. Talking about review games, I continued with Werewolf too (can’t say much else because of the embargo) and played Unspottable with my girlfriend, a really fun local multiplayer game that is good for a few laughs. Just like Olija you can read the reviews later this week. Most of the time my Xbox was used to watch series though, finished season one from Bonding and started season 2. In addition, we started watching Queen’s Gambit on Netflix and Servant on Apple TV.

I finished A Way Out together with my wife on Friday and Saturday evening. It was a great experience, but I could have done without the shooting gameplay at the end: didn’t add much and just made it frustrating for non-gamers. I also beat The Medium, a game that had a slow start in my experience, not managing to build any excitement, but then it took a turn after about an hour and grabbed me by the throat to not let go until I saw the storyline come to a conclusion 5-6 hours later. More like this, please!!!

I have been playing WoW for like a week now and I absolutely adore being back. They changed the maps you start in completely (if you choose to start there.) And I’m leveling a few characters through the new zones trying to pick a main. But I’m really bad at picking one character. I jump around more than a bunny, you could say. haha. Also watched some Lucifer with Xendacine.

Not been overly well this weekend but when I have felt up to it, I’ve spent my time playing SMITE because season 8 has recently arrived! It’s been great playing the new conquest map and learning the new meta for starts and rotations etc. I still don’t see myself playing jungle anytime soon but perhaps I can get behind playing Assassin’s in support? The new battle pass is out too so time to complete that.
