Top 5 | LifeisXbox moments in 2021

2021 was another year that was interrupted by Covid. In other words no Gamescom or real-life press moments. That doesn’t mean that we didn’t have any highlights, as we had quite a few awesome review opportunities and some unexpected stuff. Welcoming new writers is also memorable so once again a big hug to Aaron, Thomas, Bradley and Colombus for joining our team in 2021. Here’s to another great year!

Elftopia with LifeisXbox crew

When the Covid situation in Belgium was under control, a few of the Belgian writers decided to meet up at Elftopia. We would have loved that everyone could have joined but some of our writers are from all over the place so that’s a bit unrealistic. While the event itself wasn’t really worth it, it was still fantastic to meet up with everyone! We also made the featured image above at Elftopia!

This is an image not a Youtube video. Did I fool you?

LifeisXbox | XBNL

Full article link (Dutch) | For Lost Words: Beyond the Page the lovely people from XBNL asked if I wanted to make a guest appearance. I’m very camera shy but honestly enjoyed my time talking about the game.

Maui joins BGA-jury

Full article link | It was a proud daddy moment for Dae Jim when Maui was selected to be part of the Belgian Games Award jury.

Dae Jim versus BloodyGoodReviews… the greatest battle of 2021.

Rover Wars | Xbox release event

This was really fun as I had to battle against Robby from BloodyGoodReviews. Pipeline and Sakari Games did an Xbox release stream and LifeisXbox was part of the fun. The audience support determined who would win, so it was nice to see quite a few LifeisXbox readers helping me win against Robby, who’s a small God on social media.

Reviewing special things

2021 was a year with awesome hardware reviews. It was our first time reviewing a monitor or a laptop and being one of the few to write a review for the Beoplay Portal was neat too! It ain’t so easy to write hardware reviews but the rewards of many readers is heartwarming!
