STEAM REVIEW | Sucker for Love: Date to Die For

STEAM REVIEW | Sucker for Love: Date to Die For

There are some things that the human mind is ill equipped to deal with, things that should be left a mystery lest it evoke madness, things like the Elder Gods and Outer Gods. But sometimes curiosity gets the better of us and… Ok ignore all that, Sucker For Love shows us that perhaps summoning an Eldritch horror from beyond the imagination might be all that bad. Take for example Rhok’zan, The All-Mother and Black Goat of the Woods. She’s just trying to be the best for her beloved humans, it’s not her fault that a lot of them go insane is it? Sucker for love let’s us not only date Rhok’zi but also save her and the world from a far greater threat indeed. What would you do? go for a smooch with an Elder God? Or save the world as you know it… or both.

ℹ️ Reviewed on Steam | Review code provided by PR/publisher, this review is the personal opinion of the writer. Got unanswered questions about this game? Get in touch on X!


Things I liked!

  • The Story | Given that this is a visual novel style game, the story is quite an important aspect and while I admit that Sucker For Love: Date to Die for might not be to everyone’s tastes, for those who do enjoy both Cosmic Horror tales and a bit of Comedy romance will not find themselves wanting. If you are looking for a straight up horror game though look elsewhere as this is on the softer side of the horror genre.
  • The Art | You can tell a lot of love has been put into the artwork for each character and scene of this game. Everything has a place and is rendered beautifully. Even the curses look amazing. I would have loved to have seen it as an animation if I’m honest.

Mixed & disliked!

  • Stealth Sections | There were parts of the game that needed you to be slow and careful, the game however doesn’t tell you that. I had to look up a guide because every time I opened a door I was killed by a cultist for moving the mouse too fast. Once I got the hang of it though it did add to the suspense a little more, waiting to see a glimpse of a cultist so I could softly close said door and go another way. but yeah a bit more warning would have been lovely.


Score:70 /100 – I loved the aesthetics of this game, the art, the voice acting and the story were all so much fun, the stealth really was my only nitpick to be honest. Take time to explore and enjoy the unravelling of your minds as you get to know all of the amazing characters in this game. But remember that we all have to wake up sometime!.