LifeisXbox’s Dojoran review | I’ve got to admit. I’ve played some weird games in my reviewing days. I once went on an adventure as a pea or there were the days of yore when I braved the likes of quick time volleyball (still the worst game I ever reviewed). I’ve seen a lot, and yet, the world still keeps throwing me curve balls and places me into avatars which seem… Odd. And thus I bring you Dojoran. You… are a frog. Not any kind of frog, no-no. A frog that has to go through Ninja training. Aaah yes, the grass has become the grasshopper. … What? Did that even make any sense? No. And neither does this game. Dojoran, created by Nautlander, is a pixel-perfect platformer designed to make you scream your lungs out and throwing that controller right out onto the thrash. But, is it any good? Because if you checked the publisher, it’s Ratalaika. And both me and my good friend and reviewer Rafael, know these guys but all too well. Why? Well… They tend to publish all kinds of games by developers that make their game, well… How should I put this? If by chance you are a meme connoisseur? You will most likely know this phrase “Sometimes it’s pretty good, sometimes it’s pretty shit”. So, interested? Then wait no more so that we can dive right into this short review of… Dojoran!
This is a short review, our usual the good, mixed and the bad was difficult because of the nature of this game. We played Dojoran for 1.5 hours on Xbox Series X. This game is also available on the Switch, PS and PC.

Dojoran is by no means an easy game. Trust me. Even though it’s really short, it’s actually intriguing how little effort it has to do to sucker you in, forcing you to return to its realm. Let me talk about the mechanics first. You are a frog. You leap. That’s it. This is certainly a precision-based platformer. Thus, resulting in you having to perfect your jumps. Like nearly all other platformers that have gone before it, Dojoran also has the trope that every precision platformer has. Namely? The double jump. But you do not do this by pressing the jump button twice in this game. Oh no, that would be too obvious. You double jump by spitting out apples that find along the way. And it is this little mechanic that also kind of sets it apart. You don’t necessarily have to immediately use this apple either. Some jumps, albeit impossible as they may seem can be bridged by a well-timed jump. Resulting in you carrying that same said apple further along the line, towards a spot that may be unreachable if you would not have an apple. So, it all just depends on how you want to play this one. Take the very easy route? Or challenge yourself so that you can get that sweet loot (which serves absolutely no purpose). The sound? It’s pretty basic for a retro game. So not much to holler at on this topic. You’ve got your basic bits and bops and that’s about it. The same goes for the graphics. What you see is what you get! And maybe a short note on the length of the game … It’s not long. If you’re good at platformers, you’ll finish this one in about an hour or 2. If you’re bad? Maybe an extra hour or so. If you’re just in it for the 1000G? It’ll take around 20 minutes. is the largest Belgian Xbox-centered website, your reading time is greatly appreciated! Please consider sharing this review with your friends on social media, that means a lot for us! If you are Dutch speaking also consider joining our Dutch exclusive Facebook group Xbox Gamers Belgium. Feel free to use quotes for PR purposes.