REVIEW | You Suck at Parking

LifeisXbox’s You Suck at Parking review | This game is a bit special to me. And “NO”, this will not impact this review. In march 2020, yes, right before Covid broke out, there was 1UP. It was a conference at Kortrijk Expo with a gaming venue for everybody. You could play different types of new games and some retro gaming, buy game merch, cosplay, workshops, and more. One of our LifeisXbox writers Robby, organized this with Cronos. This was the second time they organized it and I had a great time. One of the things on the conference side was; you could already play demos before they were out. These were exclusively Belgian games. We are still small in the gaming industry, but we will get there and compete with the big companies. We, Belgians dream big. One of those games was ‘You Suck at Parking’. After a small chat with the developers from Happy Volcano, I started playing the game. I think I hogged the laptop for 1 hour and just played the game. Nobody asked me to leave. As you see the picture of me playing the game, you can tell I’m really focused on it. The developers already had a massive range of different levels for this game, but the game was still not complete, by far! There was no background, just the level, and de parking spots. Nothing else. So, imagine the bare minimum to play the game. And yet, I already had a fun time. Now 2 years later the game is finally out and was tasked to review this. So, I was quite excited about this, to see what they had achieved and changed over the span of 2 years.

ℹ️ Reviewed on Xbox Series X | Review code provided by PR/publisher, this review is the personal opinion of the writer.

What we Liked!

  • Soundtrack | I got this strange feeling and I can’t confirm it, but it feels like every level had its own soundtrack. This was really nice. There are a lot of levels and I never had the feeling that I was listening to the same song twice.
  • Graphics | The world map and the levels load fast on an Xbox X Series and everything feels really smooth. Today still, I play on a Sony 1080p LED screen and it is beautiful. Everything is colorful, with no frame drops or anything. A lot of detail went into small things like high-grass, explosion effects, and an almost cartoon-like atmosphere.
  • The levels | Every new part of the world map you unlock gives you new levels. Every level increasingly gets harder. So, world 1 level 1 is easy, but world 1 level 5 is hard. And with every new piece of the world map you unlock, it gets harder. And if you are an OCD, 100% player like me. You are going to spend some time getting all the gold stars before you go to another piece of the map.
  • Online matches | First time I started playing this there weren’t a lot of people playing it, because it’s new. But now, there are people and this is so much fun. It’s like a small tournament. The best score wins over 5 levels. I had a couple of wins. It’s an 8-player multiplayer. You get one big map with different parking spots. You just need to park your car as fast as you can in the parking spot, but make sure alone for that spot. Other players will push you out of it if they can. And if you win, well you are the KING of parking.

Mixed Feelings

  • The World map | I’m not really a fan of it. Sometimes, I wish they just added to the possibility to just select a piece of the world map and just be done with it. Now you have to drive around in your car, with no reverse, but you have the respawn button. And this works fast. So, you drive around looking for a parking spot to select the piece of the world you want to do. When done, you drive to the next part, which is confusing at times. There is no arrow to point you where to go or anything. You have free range. Sometimes when I drive around it feels like I need to unlock a secret part of the map or need to find a hidden cave. But it is not there. The option to select a world would be nice, giving you faster access to previous levels.
  • The cars | When you start, you start with 3 different types of bodies for your cars. There is no, oh this car has better stats than this one or this one consumes less gas than the other one. All are on the same performance; you just have 3 skins and that is it. This is where the season pack comes in. You can change color or change the horn or change some effects on your vehicle, but it is all cosmetic.
  • Season packs | I’m not a huge fan of those, but you don’t need to buy them to enjoy the game. But from the looks of it, the skins and different vehicles they offer are really nice. You suck at Parking is always expanding with new content!

What we Disliked

  • Nothing really, the game delivers on what it promises. You sucking at parking. Hahahaha!!

How long to beat the story | 9 hours
How long to achieve 1000G | 50 hours


If you are bored of all those triple games and you need to have some fast and no-brain fun. Then this is your game. This game is hard and easy at the same time, and yes, I put it in that order. This has to be one of my small favorite games. It might need some small changes here and there, but this game is really enjoyable. I will definitely keep this on my Xbox. So, when my nephew comes over, he can play this and I will keep it for myself as well. This game ticks a lot of boxes for me, it loads fast and you will be in a level in no time. Even Series X| S quick resume works well with this game, which I can’t always say of other games. Even if you have friends over, you can play this and pass the controller along, to see who is the fastest to park their vehicle in this game. It’s all about being smooth and fast.

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