LifeisXbox’s Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus? review | Do you get along well with your family or maybe spend a lot of time with them? In Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus? both of these questions can be answered as a no from our protagonist Abigail. They all rarely get together and when they do, something goes wrong but turns out that this time things were worse than usual, even though Abigail wasn’t present at the family reunion. Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus? is developed by Wales Interactive and Good Gate Media and published by Wales Interactive.
Most Memorable Moment
Slowly uncovering the truth was pretty satisfying to do since the game saves what you uncovered or your last attempts, which I’m pretty sure is needed in order to see the true ending of it, at least it took me a few tries to uncover it. The whole experience felt pretty engaging, even though all you do is make choices since the acting was on point, and the story grabbed me, making me keep trying to finally find out the truth, which wasn’t extremely surprising, but was still pretty good.
Reviewed on Xbox One | Review code provided by PR/publisher, this review is the personal opinion from the writer.

What we Liked!
- Good Acting | Since this is an FMV (full motion video) game, this is extremely important to make it engaging, more than other kinds of games, and it delivers. All actors did a great job, and it’s for good reason. Some are more known than others, but all of the actors were a part of plenty of different movies and series. I didn’t immediately recognize any of them, but after searching for the cast, I was reminded of Robbie Kay, since he’s a part of a show I’ve watched called “Once Upon A Time”. There’s also Andy Buckley, who was one of the best here, who’s been a part of “The Office”, to name a couple of them.
- Intriguing | The premise of the story in Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus? is not a very complex one. You’re contacted by your uncle, he proceeds to tell you that he got poisoned at the family meeting you weren’t a part of, and it’s up to you to find out who poisoned him. Now, even though the basic premise of this game isn’t incredibly complex, questioning characters and seeing how everything unfolds felt incredibly engaging. I wanted to find out the truth no matter how many times I had to replay the game to find it, and this is quite something to say about a game.
- It Values Your Time | What do I mean by saying that Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus? values your time? I mean that even though you’ll likely have to play through it a few times to get to the true ending, it not only lets you skip scenes you’ve already seen, but also keeps all the evidence you’ve found on all attempts on your pause menu, which also shows if you have enough proof to accuse someone. There’s also a family tree you can take a look at in the pause menu, I ended up forgetting about using it, but still got the true ending after a few tries.
- Mostly Abscent Soundtrack | This is probably a bit weird, but I swear I’ve got a good reason to call this section this and still put it in “What we Liked”. You’ll mostly hear the soundtrack in the game’s menus because most of the time one of the characters will be talking. This soundtrack fits the murder mystery theme, and what you’ll notice the most will be sound effects, since those happen frequently, indicating you’ve discovered something or something is happening. I’d say the voice acting is a part of the soundtrack because as I’ve mentioned, it’s undeniably what you’ll hear the most in “Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus?”, and it’s excellent.

Mixed Feelings
- No Gameplay Variety | While I don’t personally think this is necessarily a bad thing, all you do on Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus? is make choices and check evidence. I enjoy playing games where you mostly only make choices (I’ve played most games made by Telltale Games and enjoyed them all), but since I know not everyone is into that kind of game, I decided to put this in this category. I’m also aware that there are other FMV games where you do more than just this, like At Dead of Night, so it does make sense if you expected more interactivity than what Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus? offers.
- Repetition | As I’ve mentioned before, if you want to know the truth about what happened, you have to replay the game a few times to get the true ending. It could’ve been worse, since you can skip scenes you’ve already seen, and you keep clues you found on other playthroughs. I personally liked replaying it, as it felt engaging to me, but I know that some people won’t like it, and that’s why I thought it was important to mention this in this category.

What we Disliked
- Nothing | There was nothing that was inherently bad in Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus? in my opinion.
How long to beat the story | around 1 hour
How long to achieve 1000G | 4-5.5 hours
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Hi there, I’m Gabriel Colombo (Hence my reviewer name), I live in Brazil and I’ve been gaming since I was around 5 years old. Xbox became my main platform on the Xbox 360 era, before that I had played a bit on PC, Polystation (basically a skinned SNES), PlayStation 1 and 2. I really enjoy to experience immersive worlds, but I also enjoy playing silly games to have a laugh or just have fun.