LifeisXbox’s Silicon Dreams review | Silicon Dreams is a story-rich investigation game developed and published by Clockwork Bird. You are an interrogator android and have to figure out important information by interrogating other androids and humans. Every choice you make matters; you can choose to let the androids go, let them be repaired (which includes losing all their memories.) or let them be destroyed. Are you ready for this emotional rollercoaster?
We played Silicon Dreams for 5 hours on PC. This game is only available on PC.

What we liked!
- The feelings | I didn’t expect to feel so many emotions playing a game about bots. But you really feel for them. You get to know everything about them if you ask for it. Their job, what makes them happy, everything. This made some decisions really hard, knowing they are faulty and are doing stuff that isn’t allowed, but also knowing they are doing it to help others is such an emotional dilemma for me. This, however, is what makes this game so awesome though. It’s written so well you feel for the androids and people you get on your interrogation chair. You can see what they feel and that all makes it so much more real. I absolutely loved this part of the game. Even though the choices are hard, it was an adventure I enjoyed.
- Choices | As mentioned above, in Silicon Dreams, you have a lot of choices. The first choice you actually have to make is: am I going to help the androids and tell my company lies so they can go free? Or am I going to do the best I can to make my boss happy? I didn’t make this choice at the start, and that was a mistake by me. Sometimes I helped them, and sometimes I didn’t. So I didn’t get good endings for the androids, and my boss was unhappy with me… oops. I do really like that you have the power to lie in this game, even if your boss asks: Can this androids anger meter go above 90%? And it goes to 100. You can just fill in “no” and help the android out. It is sometimes hard to help, though. For example, I let an android go because she was helping and loving her job, but after the interrogation, I got a message that she had been acting weird and reset anyway. Which probably means I said something to her that made that happen. It is great that it can happen, but I wanted to save her

Somewhere between
- The looks | As you can see a little bit in the screenshots of this review, Silicon Dreams isn’t the best-looking game. I do understand that this is a game that is focused on gameplay and story, but if I read that it’s a game in the year 2065 with androids, I didn’t expect what I got to see in the game and must say I was a little sad how my workspace looked. I also think they went too simple with the looks and that it doesn’t fit how serious this game is story-wise. However, this all didn’t bother me so much it needs to be in the disliked, and anyone else might think it looks fine. So it’s in between.

What we disliked
- Music and settings | Overall, the music was fine. The first time I got in the game, I put it to the percentage I liked, and it was all good. But every time you start the game, it forgets that, and you get blasted with music again. So you go back to the settings, and as soon as you click on music, it remembers again. Really weird but also quite annoying if you have sensitive ears like me.
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