LifeisXbox’s Loopindex Review | With robots and loops being the two main components of Loopindex, I would like to introduce you to a game that has a simple mechanic which has been used effectively, to make use of a repeating playstyle. You control two separate characters that can be switched between during levels to use various objects in your immediate vicinity to get both to a specific area, allowing you to progress to the next level. With different rules being used and specific steps having to be taken in later levels, Loopindex has been developed by Somepx and published by Ratalaika Games S.L. to take you on a repetitive yet differing journey to ultimately use the idea of looping to your advantage to aid in your passing through each independent level. Work together; it’s the only choice and hope you’ll have of getting anywhere.
| VicciVulpix played Loopindex for Two Hours on Xbox One S. This game is also available on Xbox Series S/X, PlayStation 4/5, Nintendo Switch, Microsoft Windows, and Steam.

What we liked!
- Enjoyable mechanics | Loopindex utilised mechanics to make each stage a slightly different challenge. As the game revolves around the use of a loop feature, you must use this pretty much at all times in order to advance. It allows you to command one, or both characters, to carry out small duties among the levels to get both to the elevator. There are areas where you physically can’t control your characters, have to continuously move an object, or stick to one direction and this is where the loop feature comes into play as it allows you to put the robots into a loop cycle which can only be broken by you canceling the action in areas that don’t have restrictions; namely the red crisscross tiles. I found this to be a simple but yet effective way of playing and I feel like it was rather unique compared to most other puzzle games.
- Forward-thinking | There are a handful of levels that will require you to think before you progress with your actions as these could ultimately make it impossible to complete a level should you move something incorrectly. Of course, you can quickly restart the level at any time should this happen but I liked having to figure out the route of the puzzle in some instances before going forward with any decisions. By adding these types of levels, it means you can’t just get through with luck, or on the off chance, you do the correct things to complete the level. Puzzle games should always be about solving what’s in front of you with the tools/rules you’re given. These robots are going to need all the help and commands they can get.
- Created for co-op | There isn’t a doubt in my mind that Loopindex has been created with co-op largely in mind and it would certainly be enjoyed in a joint sitting as you both control a robot each but must assist each other along the way. Admittedly, I didn’t play this cooperatively but you can certainly see from the very start that two players are available as an option. It means having to work together, communicate what you will both be doing, and find the solution whilst helping each other through hazards, blocked paths, and radio-silence zones.

Somewhere between
- Pixelated graphics | In regards to the graphics and imagery used in Loopindex, 2D design has been used throughout the course of the game and although the game suits this, added detail and further improvements to graphics would have made the game stand out much more from the crowd it currently resides in. The majority of the colouring is monochrome with hints of colour with the robots and various surroundings that do give more life that was definitely necessary. Overall, the graphics aren’t incredible by any means and won’t have you amazed but with the game genre and use of small splashes of colouring, it still holds up pretty well.
- Complexity | I adore both challenging and difficult puzzle games as they make you think long and hard about your decisions in order to complete them correctly and in the most efficient way possible. Unfortunately for Loopindex, I did find the majority of levels were a little too easy for my liking but perhaps, as the game can be played by a younger audience with an age rating of 3+, the design and difficulty were based upon factors such as these. In my opinion, this does then create a kinder environment that allows for gamers of different ages to play for the enjoyment element along with quite simplistic puzzles to resolve at your own pace.
- Music and sound effects | The background music that has been used in Loopindex, during levels and whilst on the main menu, has a calming tone with hints of positive energy that I thought fitted the gams tone and environment. I was not as impressed with the sound effects, however. Whether it was the walking, gunfire, buttons ect. They seemed a little dull when the game should have feeling alive by drawing you in with the audio. Instead, we are left with tolerable sounds that leaves much to your own imagination.

What we disliked
- Overall length | I completed Loopindex in just under an hour and a half and it honestly felt like many more levels could have been included, therefore making use of further mechanics and more variation amongst a larger spread of levels. I was quite disappointed that the levels did not take much time to complete. Also, the game was over far too quick as I found myself getting more interested the longer I played; plenty of detail and chances to improve the quantity of gameplay. Just a shame at the end of the day that a good mechanic could have been put to use further for considerably more content,
- Doesn’t require full completion | Yes, it’s that negative point again that I have made a couple of times recently where you don’t have to complete the full game in order to achieve the full 1000G on offer. You only have to complete the first fifty levels in order to earn all the gamerscore which is on offer. There are seventy levels in total but once you have beaten the boss on level fifty, the game does lose the original appeal. I’m a firm believer that you should only be awarded the completion if you complete the entirety of the game, you’ve experienced everything there possibly is, and have solved all levels on offer.
How long to beat the story | Approximately 1-2 Hours
How long to achieve 1000G | Approximately 1 Hour
Similar with | Mushroom Saviour/Quest, Portal, and interactive puzzle games is the largest Belgian Xbox centered website, your reading time is greatly appreciated! Please consider sharing this review with your friends on social media, that means a lot for us! If you are Dutch-speaking also consider joining our Dutch exclusive Facebook group Xbox Gamers Belgium. Feel free to use quotes for PR purposes.

Hello, I’m Victoria. I’m from the UK and have been playing video games for as long as I can remember; back on DreamCast. I’ve pretty much fallen for Xbox since I was around eight years old and remember BioShock being my first game on the Xbox360. Although I find it thoroughly enjoyable to not only experience gameplay, I also find comfort in getting lost and engrossed in the online worlds that sometimes differ greatly from what we know. Another side of my Xbox passion would be achievement hunting and gamerscore. I thrive when I hear the little sound of one popping up on the screen and I’m always finding ways to work on my backlog when possible. Horror is my favourite genre so if you have any recommendations, don’t be afraid to send them my way!