LifeisXbox’s Demon Skin review | Who doesn’t like a good hack’n’slash game, am I right? Well, that is surely what the developers over at LUDUS FUTURE must have thought when they were making their new game Demon Skin. In this game, you are on an adventure to find a stolen artifact, and as I already mentioned, there is a lot of slaying to do on this journey. So let’s find out how it goes!
We played Demon Skin for 6 hours on PC. This game is also available on Xbox, PlayStation & Nintendo Switch.

What we liked!
- Graphics & sound | Demon Skin has something special about the way it looks. You play in a dark fantasy world where you will face some random creatures that are all designed in their own unique way. There are skeletons, you can fight a yeti, and then, of course, you have the different bosses. Every single one of them adds another dark vibe to the game. The background is a static picture where no movement is happening but the platforms that you have to pass are very detailed and you can see what atmosphere the devs wanted to create. They succeeded here. Also, the sound benefits perfectly to the feeling this game brings. There is some kind of dark tune playing in the background and furthermore, there are the sounds that your character makes like running, jumping, and ,of course, the ones when you are in combat and hit an enemy.
- Controls | The controls in Demon Skin will get explained to you during the beginning phase of the game. However, I found them to be something special. At first, I had a difficult time mastering them but the more I played and the further I progressed, the movement was actually quite nice. In the main menu, you can also visit the control scheme and change certain input keys. And even though I sometimes kept struggling, Demon Skin really surprised me in a positive way.
- Story | In Demon Skin you play as Roy, a member of the Orden of Wanderers, an organization that is supposed to fight all the evil in the world. On one of its adventures, something goes wrong and it causes Roy to completely lose his memory. Well, he seems to remember that he needs to gather a certain crystal but can’t remember his name? So there you have your adventure. While playing Demon Skin, you have to hack’n’slash your way through all kinds of creatures in order to regain your memory and remember what you are.
- Skill tree & Combos | Some nice features are present in Demon Skin. For example, there is a skill tree that lets you upgrade your combat, health, and stamina stats. Plus, you can level up how you handle certain weapons and learn unique and strong combos for them. It’s really nice that the developers added something like this to the game, else it would have been pretty straightforward of what you can do, but now it just has another layer that makes it more special.

Somewhere between
- Difficulty | The game can be really, really difficult. Yes, it is nice that it offers a challenge but when you are stuck at certain parts for over 20 minutes, it just gets frustrating. Here it would be nice to select a difficulty level or something at the beginning so you will have the choice of how hard the enemies will hit you. Maybe an idea for further updates?

What we disliked
- Unexpected stuff | This is by far the most frustrating thing I’ve ever encountered in a game. It actually got me to rage quit and uninstall it because I got so angry with it. The problem: unexpected encounters. At certain points, the game will just drop something big right in your face and is like ‘deal with it’. But nothing tells you what you need to do. I was trying to kill a monster for over an hour, I think I tried it like 50 times (which made me rage quit), only to find out that sometimes you don’t need to hack’n’slash your way through the game and just don’t die for some time in order for a random NPC to show up and kill it for you… A heads up would have been nice.
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