LifeisXbox’s The Longest Road on Earth Preview | I normally don’t play pc games but I was glad to help out a little with our LudoNarraCon coverage. I couldn’t have been happier that I made this exception for The Longest Road on Earth, an immensely unique experience! You’ll be able to get the full version on Steam starting May 20th, so that’s right around the corner.
Music for storytelling
The Longest Road on Earth has an unusual way of telling stories, it does so without any words or dialogue. everything is explained with striking noir visuals and music. Yes, music… I have played a lot of games in my life but it is the first time I experienced something like this. And weirdly enough, it makes total sense too. As music has been a primary way of telling stories since the dawn of time.

Slow walking
A particular part from the demo is what will make or break The Longest Road on Earth for players, that’s the painfully slow walking. Before you think bleh and close this preview, please wait! I don’t necessarily mean this as a bad thing. This game has a few short stories and this one was about that burned-out feeling while traveling for work, you know… those daily boring routines. I’m almost three hours on the train for work on a daily basis so this short story really spoke for me. Combined with some incredible music this really convinced me that this game is worth your purchase.
Really beautiful visuals
I have always been a fan of anthropomorphism and this game uses it in a great way. A bit similar to Blacksad but with a noir theme. I wasn’t expecting to see so many details in the environments, a lot of care and time has been invested in polishing up everything. Because of the somewhat slow gameplay, this was a must, the devs really try to mesmerize and fascinate the player with sound and eye-catching visuals to make up for the lack of inspiring gameplay. Clicking to investigate and walking right or left can only stay exciting for a while, so they definitely make up for that in other departments.

Interesting demo but many things remain unclear
The Longest Road on Earth is coming out on May 20th, so by now, the game is set in stone. By playing this demo I’m still a bit unsure how characters are connected and if the game won’t become a bit boring. Yes, the visuals are excellent and the music is even better but I’m not entirely convinced about the gameplay. That said, I’m sure that publisher Raw Fury did good picking up this game. It doesn’t happen much that a game is this original! Really looking forward to see how this game will be reviewed by LifeisXbox’s pc team!
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