Nintendo Switch REVIEW | NAIRI: Rising Tide

I am a huge fan of point and click style games, I have quite a few in my library and there is very rarely one that doesn’t capture my imagination and pulls me towards the conclusion of the stories that are weaved. Unfortunately NAIRI: Rising Tide for all it’s gorgeous visuals and adorable atmosphere, just couldn’t hold my interest. I frequently found myself feeling fatigued while watching the cutscenes and the puzzles themselves were just a little too much on the easy side. I understand that this game might not be for someone my age range, but even I enjoy a little Ghibli style whimsy from time to time. This game just didn’t have what I needed, but that is just my opinion, you may enjoy it more than I do but as a reviewer I have to be honest about my opinion.

ℹ️ Reviewed on Xbox Series X | Review code provided by PR/publisher, this review is the personal opinion of the writer. Got unanswered questions about this game? Get in touch on X!

PublisherHound Picked Games

Things I liked!

  • Graphics | The art style did remind me of Ghibli animations and once I have finished writing this review I might go back through my Anime catalogue and rewatch Howls Moving Castle. There isn’t much to dislike about the art style to be honest and I would happily have read through a book with it in my younger years

Mixed & disliked!

  • Sound design | In this day and age where Voice actors can do so much to enhance the story of a game, this game still uses Gibberish and relies on subtitles. I know it might be a minor nitpick, but what if there are dyslexic gamers who want to enjoy the story too? The music though is quite chilled and relaxing for the most part.
  • Cutscenes | This goes with what I mentioned above but the cutscenes especially at the start of the game were very long winded. If I was to try and make a ten minute quick look review of the game featuring the first ten minutes there would be no gameplay at all. I do have ADHD though and that might be something that other people could get through, but without a major hook the story was just a little too dull for my tastes.


Score: 45/100 – I could see how this could appeal to fans of the previous entry of the game, but I just don’t see it as something that would hold the attention of an older gamer. Perhaps one for a younger audience with a huge attention span, but not one for this reviewer I’m afraid.
