Looking back at LifeisXbox’s 2021

The end of the year is always a perfect chance to look back at how we performed. My team and I are thrilled that so many of you read our reviews. I can’t thank everyone enough for visiting our website. All our time and effort we do is all for you, giving readers an honest review.

In 2021 2.506.570 unique people visited LifeisXbox, that’s a heck of a lot of people! As you might know most of our writers come from Belgium and I’m really proud to see that 8,67% of that are all from my home country. Our other Dutch speaking people aren’t far behind with 4,96% from The Netherlands.

Even more impressive is that 22% of that super large number is from a direct hit, someone typing in LifeisXbox.eu manually. Without a search engine or social media. So for all regular readers thank you so much for spending time reading our reviews!

Thank you from our entire team and we look forward to continue to provide you with reviews on a daily basis!