In Eyes on the Weekend we share what our LifeisXbox team has been playing, most of the times we have our hands full with review games. Some of those have embargo’s so we can’t always openly share what we are playing. What is interesting for us is to see what YOU have been playing! Be sure to let us know on social media!
Dae Jim | Snoozing
Robby (BloodyGoodReviews) | I started the weekend by finishing A Juggler’s Tale, a game so nice I beat it twice. It’s entirely told in rhyme, and you’re pretty much guaranteed to have a great time. It’s about a young juggling puppet, held up by strings, but I won’t go any deeper, lest I’d be spoiling things.
I then started Genesis Noir on Xbox Game Pass, but the game is so buggy I had to restart the first level three times and I gave up afterwards. A shame, because it looked very interesting, but I don’t have time to keep repeating the same stuff over and over, hoping the game will work as expected this time.
Then I started Lost Words: Beyond the Page instead and I had a blast with it. They way you platform though the journal and use words to solve puzzles is fantastic. And the writing is spectacular and filled with emotion. Certainly recommended!
Rafael | Snoozing
Alexis | Snoozing
Aaron | This weekend I only managed to play for around an hour as I was out in the wild doing family things. But I did manage to play some of the new World War Z aftermath which adds new story mode locations such as France and the UK and also they have the new first-person mode which adds a new layer of zombie slaughter to the game. All in all it’s a worthy purchase if you haven’t played it before but if you have played the base game I would wait until an upgrade price becomes available.
VicciVulpix | As my shoulder and head are still causing me issues, meaning I’m unable to game as I usually would, I managed to play for an hour or so and finished off two games that were in my backlog – I Zombie and Nexoria. I’ve been keeping track of all my games I have not completed to work on my backlog when it’s possible to do so. I also started Raji: An Ancient (which is available on Games Pass) that has been a pleasant change of pace.
Maui | I started and finished three games this weekend! I fell in love with A Juggler’s Tale and even though I can’t tell much about it yet, I suggest you go put it on your wishlist right away! A review will be up on the release date, so keep your eyes peeled.
I also played Teacup, a new PC game that has an amazing art style and wholesome story, definitely worth a try if you’re looking for a short and sweet narrative game. Lastly, I played Virtuous Western, which was my least favorite play. Buggy controls and repetitive (and short) gameplay couldn’t get me hooked, despite the fun concept.You can expect reviews for all three of these games this week, woohoo!
I also started a little AWAY: The Survival Series and played a little bit of the Moo Lander demo, but I couldn’t focus on these two anymore, so will try again next week!
Michael | This weekend I played a lot of A Total War Saga: Troy of which I also wrote a nice review. This is the only game that I played this weekend. A thing that I was excited about was that I finally got to see the new Marvel movie Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings. If you didn’t see it go to the cinema now, it’s amazing!
Orange Spark | Kicking off the weekend, on Friday evening I continued my journey across Thousand Peaks in OPUS: Echo of Starsong. It’s an absolutely gorgeousnarrative puzzle adventure game by Sigono I’ll have a review out for soon. That session was followed up by more Monster Hunter Iceborne Where my friend and I are slowly moving up through the master rank quests. We also got excited for the upcoming expansion for Monster Hunter Rise called Sunbreak. Can’t wait to see what Capcom has in store for us there.
Saturday was largely a bust in terms of gaming, as I spent all day helping a family member move house. It left me so knackered after that that all I could muster was a bit of Golf with your Friends after. Sunday was spent recovering from the move, vegging out with More Echo of Starsong, and later in the evening some Deathloop. I’m taking that at a bit of a slower pace than the game would like I think, but Arkane’s latest stroke of genius has me wanting to approach it all like I’m Corvo Attano.

Head of PC team. PC, Switch, and Xbox game reviewer. Also a marketeer, concert and animal lover, and photographer in training
Steam: Mauitje
Xbox: Mauitjexo