In Eyes on the Weekend we share what our LifeisXbox team has been playing, most of the times we have our hands full with review games. Some of those have embargo’s so we can’t always openly share what we are playing. What is interesting for us is to see what YOU have been playing! Be sure to let us know on social media!

Played: Sea of Solitude | Dreaming Sarah | Eastshade | Jeopardy! | Fifa 21 | Sir Lovelot
Even though I played six games, not many hours were spend on gaming this weekend. I got to finish Sea of Solitude and Dreaming Sarah, especially Sea of Solitude left a good impression. A few wins, a few losses in Fifa. I’m not the kind of guy who uses Liverpool or Real Madrid, so it’s a bit of an annoyance that I keep on having matches against 5-star teams while playing as Beerschot. (despite I disallowed that in matchmaking). Started three new games too, one to play with my girlfriend, Jeopardy! Really fun quiz game that takes some time too, so perfect to fill in some weekend time. The other two new games are Eastshade and Sir Lovelot, but I haven’t played enough of them to have a good impression.

Played: Taxi Chaos | SizeAble | Dirt 5
I completed Taxi Chaos because I thought the achievement list could actually be fun.
I was wrong. It was literal torture and I was a slave to my own obsessive behaviour to complete games 100%. Took me 10 hours total and would not want to ever do it again. I also played SizeAble, an upcoming Belgian indie game in which you can resize objects to solve puzzles. It’s simply brilliant and I had so much fun, I beat the game twice over the weekend. You can read more about it soon in Maui’s review! If you game on PC and you want to support a Belgian Indiedev, do me a favour and wishlist this one! Lastly, I started Dirt 5. Between this and Forza Horizon 4, Xbox Gamepass has given me so many hours of racing fun, it really is the best value in gaming! As for the game itself: it looks great but seems a tad too easy and it also has weird tracks were you get respawned if you cut a corner too close. Still fun enough that I’ll probably try and get the 1000G

Played: Uno | Memo | Just Dance
Twas that time again, the kids were back for the weekend, the sun was shining and we had some things we wanted to do. The first thing was Uno. The good ol’ classic Card game. With even my youngest getting in on the action! While he didn’t care for the numbers, that little runt already knows the power of +2 and +4 ..! Fml…
Afterwards, we did some Memo. You know, the memory game? Flip them over and check what makes a pair! … hey, gamers don’t always do screen gaming you know! Gotta let ‘m know the basics! Training a young gamer here! Then we went to the back of our yard and pulled out the bow and arrows for some oldskool archery! Yuuup, we have a bow and arrows. Sniper training and all that! Afterwards, when the evening fell, we went inside to warm up our bodies with the always fun to play party game called “Just Dance”, we just put on some songs and raked up fictional points! Dance baby… Dance! And on Sunday, we ate back our lost calories from the day before when we went to grandma’s for some good ol’ birthday cake..! Safely of course! There still is a pandemic raging and all that! Cheers ma! Your cake gave me cramps! So yeah… that’s how I spent my weekend, with some oldskool games this time!

Played: Overwatch | Destiny 2 | Battlecruisers | Hellbound | Dead by Daylight
This weekend was straight up amazing!
I started playing Overwatch with MikaChu. We got the default: Team Diff in disadvantage for us, so we got quite tilted. After which we went on and played Destiny 2. And oh boy was it a great time for the both of us! We completed some HELM activities in it and are both hooked to continue. Later on in the weekend, I played 2 games for which you will see a review this week: Battlecruisers and Hellbound. Both surprised me in their own ways. Be sure to check the site for the full review. To finish the weekend, I played some Dead by Daylight for the first time in forever and was pleased to see that I haven’t lost touch with how to find people who are hiding.

Played: We Should Talk | Warframe | SMITE | Titanfall 2
This weekend has been fairly quiet for me. I completed We Should Talk which was a fairly straight forward game with some amusing dialogue options to choose. I then jumped on Warframe as I really wanted to finish off the achievements and after almost 1400 Hours, I have 100% completion. I finished off with a handful of games on SMITE where I got my Aphrodite to rank 10 and started off a hard campaign playthrough on Titanfall 2.

Founder | Editor-in-chief | Social Media Manager
Gaming is a passion and I wanted to share my Xbox enthusiasm. That’s why I started LifeisXbox, to make sure gamers all around the world know what games they should buy or avoid. I would like to thank you for visiting my website. Your support is very welcome and I hope you stick around!