In Eyes on the Weekend we share what our LifeisXbox team has been playing, most of the times we have our hands full with review games. Some of those have embargo’s so we can’t always openly share what we are playing. What is interesting for us is to see what YOU have been playing! Be sure to let us know on social media!
Dae Jim | Weather in Belgium was good so enjoying the sun was a big part of the weekend. I did manage to explore the world of Biomutant, such a lovely and beautiful world! I’m almost done with the first Mass Effect in Legendary, can’t wait to start the second one as this is my favorite from the franchise. Can’t share more, as I have a few games that are still under embargo… one of them is a fantastic co-op game that I’m playing with my girlfriend!
Robby (BloodyGoodReviews) | I’m waiting for some review copies to hit and keeping busy with games I started playing but never finished.I had some issues with my PS4 pro, so finally continued (well, more like starting over since cloud save storage isn’t free on Playstation) Ratchet & Clank (2016). It’s a fantastic game and really impressed visually, so I’m beyond excited to see what A Rift Apart will be able to put out there. This one is a bit on the short side though, beat it in a few hours and mostly kept busy leveling the weapons and finding the hidden collectables.On Xbox, I played DIRT5 (a few races per day) and The Little Acre, a charming hand-drawn point-and-click adventure that is well worth a playthrough (or two) and it’s on Gamepass, so no excuse not to check it out.On PC, I had a go with some upcoming games: The Lightbringer, an poetic adventure with some platforming, minor combat and a VERY annoying boss, especially for a demo. I spent 1hour playing the game and 40 minutes of it was losing to that boss. I also played [REDACTED] but can’t share any more than that for the moment.
Alexis | Last weekend was kid weekend, so we played outside
VicciVulpix | I had an entire weekend of playing mainly SMITE and The Skylia Prophecy, of which both I had a pretty enjoyable time with.With The Skylia Prophecy being one of my review games, I won’t go into much detail other than saying it was a difficult start for me but I’ve finally progressed and understand the game better now.With regards to SMITE, it has been a mixture of game modes again but I’m starting to enjoy Discordia and Janus as mages. I will admit, I’ve found it a little disheartening to play recently because everyone expects you to be a God (excuse the pun) with everyone and in every role and when you aren’t, people decide to start moaning and state it’s all your fault. I look past it though because I’m still learning and you can’t expect to win every game or be brilliant with everyone. Just have fun! It’s a game at the end of the day.
Maui | I mostly ended up enjoying the sun this weekend, but I did manage to test both Harvest Days, an upcoming open-ended country-life RPG that is launching on Kickstarter soon! My preview for this one is coming up today, so stay tuned! I also played some Aluna: Sentinel of the Shards, a game I’m enjoying a lot more than I thought I initially would. And last, but not least, I finally played something I reaaaally wanted to play on our new Xbox Series X for the first time! I swear, I need more time in this life, but I’m so happy I got around to starting The Wild At Heart. I immediately fell in love with the graphics, and especially the soundtrack. Honestly can’t wait to jump back into this adventure this week (hopefully, because I have quite a busy week again).

Founder | Editor-in-chief | Social Media Manager
Gaming is a passion and I wanted to share my Xbox enthusiasm. That’s why I started LifeisXbox, to make sure gamers all around the world know what games they should buy or avoid. I would like to thank you for visiting my website. Your support is very welcome and I hope you stick around!