Eyes on the Weekend (26-27 June)

In Eyes on the Weekend we share what our LifeisXbox team has been playing, most of the times we have our hands full with review games. Some of those have embargo’s so we can’t always openly share what we are playing. What is interesting for us is to see what YOU have been playing! Be sure to let us know on social media! 🙂

Dae Jim | I had the most busy weekend of 2021, as a result I only played five hours of Scarlet Nexus and thanks to Xbox Game Pass a few short races in Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered. Scarlet Nexus is one hell of a game though, can’t wait to write more about this new RPG after my vacation! Looking forward to next weekend, where lots and lots of hours will go into that one so we’ll be able to publish the review on Monday.

Robby’s edit: Our supreme leader is now taking some well-deserved time off and instead of games, he’s testing all the cocktails CenterParks has to offer. Let’s raise a glass and hope he has the time of his life ^ ^

Robby (BloodyGoodReviews) | I played the Belgian version of Tetris: Quatros Origins. The twist they added is that you’re actually placing blocks on a cube-layout and it turns each time you drop a block. Really fun and interesting how you have to think four steps ahead.

I also played some Hyperbrawl, mostly for achievements I had been missing. It’s a surprisingly fun game, just too bad the online play is dead and you only ever face bots.

Each day, I’m also playing a single level of Unravel. It’s gorgeous, has a pretty neat idea with the strings being used for traversal as well as holding you back, but something about it makes me dread playing more than one level per day.

Lastly, I went back to Outriders. I already had it installed so I figured: “Why not”. And now I’m kind of hooked. The combat is incredibly fast-paced, there’s new loot after after turn and I love seeing stat numbers go up… Very addictive!

Rafael | With problems at home and the depression hitting hard again, I haven’t done much these last few weeks. But I’m trying to finish my late reviews. Played some Wardrobe and Port Royale 4 on Sunday. Not as much as I wanted or needed, but that’s all I played this weekend.

Maui | My weekend was focused on LifeisXbox reviews, and just watching some series as my mental health was not optimal, unfortunately. I played Griftlands, an interesting roguelike deck-building game. At first, I was a bit confused, but it turns out this is a very cool game with a lot of interesting features. My Xbox review for this game will be online soon, stay tuned! I also continued my adventure in Destroy All Humans on my Switch. Another game I’m quite fond of, but I can’t really tell you more about that so stay tuned for a review today or tomorrow as well!

Orange Spark | I had a rather busy weekend gaming. Yet strangely enough I only play 2 games. First off Deep Rock Galactic on saturday evening. Gifted to me by a close friend of mine, our little group were digging up bugs and while fending off some Rock and Stone! uhh.. reverse that. My sunday was mostly filled with playing some more “The last kids on earth and the staff of doom” and writing my review for it. It’s a charming enough game, but not entirely my thing what with the playground humor and somewhat shallow gameplay. It does look like good game to give to your young’uns when they want to get into gaming however. Solid recommend on that front.