In Eyes on the Weekend we share what our LifeisXbox team has been playing, most of the time we have our hands full with review games. Some of those have embargo’s so we can’t always openly share what we are playing. What is interesting for us is to see what YOU have been playing! Be sure to let us know on social media!
Dae Jim | An insane amount of food was consumed over the weekend. So for the upcoming days, Ring Fit Adventure is on my plan to get rid of the extra Christmas kilos. Past few days I started with Jurassic World Evolution 2 and a fun game that you control with your voice, called One Hand Clapping. Halo Infinite‘s multiplayer is still my big love, unfortunately for other players as I can’t remember losing a single game last week
Robby (BloodyGoodReviews) | I started the weekend by beating The Gunk. It’s a fun and chill game with a straightforward story. Had a lot of fun with the 4-hour runtime, a bit less so when I spent 1 hour running around the game world again because I was missing a single piece of metal for the final upgrade and the last achievement. Check some gameplay footage here: It was Christmas + my wife’s birthday so didn’t spend as much time gaming as I would in another weekend, but I still found some time to check out White Shadows. It looked promising and reminded me of Limbo & Inside, but the actual game was missing that spark that made the others so special.
Rafael | Nothing to report.
Alexis | I enjoyed my first hour of Pokémon Sword. While I know that isn’t the latest Pokémon game out there, I still enjoyed my X-Mas present to the fullest! My starter? SOBBLE! Truth be told? I always choose water types as my starter, nothing beats a good watering, am I right?!
Aaron | My Christmas was good, fairly quiet with only a select few family members, however, the evening was filled with some decent gaming. Since the sales are in full swing I decided to purchase & play Guardians of The Galaxy, and I didn’t realise just how cool this game was. I haven’t played much but I can already tell this will be a game to remember & play for hours. I also managed to pick up Blasphemous from the Nintendo E-Shop as it’s currently only £4.99, another game that is super cool & challenging at the same time. I’ve played about 2 hours so far and beaten a few bosses & the art style is truly something else, right down to the cutscenes. Some other guilty pleasures I purchased was Saints Row Remastered for the Switch also at only £2.49! The intro to that game is worth that alone. Pure gold!
VicciVulpix | Firstly I’d like to say I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! Over the Christmas weekend, I play very little as I wasn’t feeling up to playing much. I managed to fully complete Queen’s Quest 5: Symphony of Death which I found to be really enjoyable to play. It’s currently free on the Microsoft Store if you fancy an adventure based around puzzle-solving and item discovery; putting the pieces toegther one step at a time. I touched upon The Wolf Among Us but only completed the very first section. Finally, I continued with Ghost Sweeper for my next review. I’ll say one thing; It certainly is testing my patience.
Maui | As most, I didn’t game a lot since it was Christmas weekend. I did, however, play some more Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch. Enjoying it so far and can’t wait to continue!
Michael | I didn’t game at all this weekend. On Friday I had to work and in the evening I went to Maui’s family for Christmas evening. On the first day of Christmas, we watched all the episodes of What If… on Disney+ and had a chill day on the couch. And on the second day of Christmas, we went to my parents in the Netherlands where we stuffed our faces with a lot of food.
Orange Spark | ’tis the weekend of Christmas. This usually means a time to visit family on the eve and during the day of, alas this year hasn’t gone like they usually do. While I celebrated Christmas eve with family, due to a certain well-known virus I had all of Saturday to enjoy some games. Saturday and Sunday were mostly spent progressing through Guardian of Lore for my upcoming review. It’s an action 2D platformer centred around South American mythology. Quite an interesting setting, but it loses some points to execution. Furthermore, I quickly dipped into Elite Dangerous Odyssey to attempt some covert theft and heist missions. I was a bit rusty and failed 2 of them. Since I wasn’t really in the mood, I treated myself to a shiny golden paint job for my newfangled Scorpion land vehicle and called it a day. You can read my review on EDO right [HERE]. And while it’s not a game per sé, I decided to come late to the party and am currently watching Netflix’s Arcane. I’m absolutely stunned by the show’s performance. Something which is no mean feat for a long time anime enjoyer. The pacing is great, the characters develop at a good and meaningful speed and best of all: THE LORE CHECKS OUT! I really hope we’ll see more shows shining a spotlight on different parts of Runeterra and its history.
Colombo | Didn’t play a whole lot this weekend, but I did play a little bit of the usual Microsoft Solitaire Collection, a mission of Halo Infinite‘s campaign, also played a little bit of Generation Zero and finished The Gunk. I know it’s quite a few different games, but I played most of them on Friday and not too much for each of them.
Bradley Delaere | On Saturday I purchased Doom (2016) when it was on sale and had played it for the majority of the day. I’ve played it before on Google Stadia, so I pretty much knew most of the secrets already! I’ve also tried the LFG feature on Xbox, but not everyone showed up, sadly – I have yet to try out the multiplayer! Sunday was mostly spent on the Hitman reboot, also from 2016. Still got a few more achievements to find, so I’m currently trying to complete this one! I had also bought the 7 deadly sins DLC for Hitman 3 on Saturday, but I’ll play it when I’ve 100%ed the whole trilogy, as a way to end the trilogy!

Hello, I’m Victoria. I’m from the UK and have been playing video games for as long as I can remember; back on DreamCast. I’ve pretty much fallen for Xbox since I was around eight years old and remember BioShock being my first game on the Xbox360. Although I find it thoroughly enjoyable to not only experience gameplay, I also find comfort in getting lost and engrossed in the online worlds that sometimes differ greatly from what we know. Another side of my Xbox passion would be achievement hunting and gamerscore. I thrive when I hear the little sound of one popping up on the screen and I’m always finding ways to work on my backlog when possible. Horror is my favourite genre so if you have any recommendations, don’t be afraid to send them my way!