In Eyes on the Weekend we share what our LifeisXbox team has been playing, most of the times we have our hands full with review games. Some of those have embargo’s so we can’t always openly share what we are playing. What is interesting for us is to see what YOU have been playing! Be sure to let us know on social media!
Dae Jim | This weekend was the start of Gentse Feesten, because of Covid it is still very limited but it was great to see many friends and two concerts (Fernant Zeste and Bruno Deneckere). There wasn’t any hour free for Xbox, so this week’s Eyes on the Weekend is short for me.
Robby (BloodyGoodReviews) | I focused on games I had to review: playing the demo for Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin and hoping it would help me decide if I’ll invest the ~50hours it would take to beat the game for review. So far I’m undecided but leaning towards no: the story isn’t very captivating and there is too much resource gathering and crafting.
I then did a few runs through Night Book, a live-action occult thriller where your choices impact the outcome of the movie. It’s a great story concept (translator reads ancient spell and curses people) but for my actual opinion on the game, you’ll have to wait as it is still under a review embargo.
I also played Lost At Sea, a game Maui recently reviewed but I wasn’t the biggest fan: great concept: coming to terms with your life at an older age and dealing with death and loss, but it’s poorly executed and I can’t wrap my head around why it’s a console exclusive to next-gen platforms. It doesn’t look all that demanding.
Lastly, I started playing The Last Campfire, a wonderful puzzle adventure in which you rekindle lost flames and help embers find hope again. The exploration is fun, the narration is great and the puzzles are clever but not too farfetched. Recommended play!
Alexis | No gaming here this weekend. Was doing my civil duty restoring phone capabilities in disaster areas of Belgium.
Mika | I played League of Legends like usual hehe, but also reviewed this weekend! I played a game based on photographing beautiful fantasy creatures! It’s called Beast of Maravilla Island and this week there will be a review for that on the site, so keep an eye out if that’s your type of game.
VicciVulpix | I played minimal this weekend due to my shoulder being in pain and having issues. I did play a handful of games on SMITE that has made me want to play more of Yemoja and Nox. Also, I’m enjoying the recent patch as the removal of boots means you can get items online much quicker.
Maui | I didn’t play a lot this weekend! Most of my time went to playing Onirike, which I’ve been wanting to play ever since it was released, so I’m super happy I get to review this one! I’m really enjoying it so far, can’t wait to continue this one. I also played a little bit of Ayo the Clown, which I can’t talk about yet, unfortunately! The rest of the weekend was spent chilling with my friend and watching the Netflix series Lupin. What an amazing series!
Michael | I was away for the whole weekend so I couldn’t game.

Xendacine | This weekend was, yet again, a renovation weekend for the most part. But when I wasn’t busy with bricks and dust, I spent my time watching some series and playing games. But yes, we are all here for the games; so let me tell you what those were. For starters, I played League of Legends with Mikachu, as per usual; and won both games. I also spent a fair bit of time playing Wunderling. So far, the game got me hooked beyond belief. Make sure to keep your eyes peeled for the review that is coming Wednesday!

Head of PC team. PC, Switch, and Xbox game reviewer. Also a marketeer, concert and animal lover, and photographer in training
Steam: Mauitje
Xbox: Mauitjexo