Time to look back on the weekend! How did Friday, Saturday, and Sunday look like for our writers? What was the biggest news from last week and what are we looking forward to? These three questions will be answered in our Eyes on the Week(end) article!
We’re curious about your opinion and played games, so be sure to share your stuff on our social media channels!
My weekend was spent hanging out with friends so there wasn’t a lot of time to play games. I did, however, have some games in my review backlog so when I did have time to game, I focused on those. I played some more Monster Crown on the good old Xbox and finished up my review. I also played some Witchcrafty on my laptop, which I’m hoping to finish this week. Admittedly, I very much suck at this game and I’m stuck at a boss fight at the moment.
Most exciting news of last week: Humble Bundle working on a Ukraine support bundle. I used to buy from them quite often when I first started gaming and was still a student so definitely love that they’re doing this!
Looking forward to playing this week: I’m not sure yet how much time and energy I’ll have to play games so I’m planning to take a look at the Game Pass and see what looks interesting!
Elden Ring consumed most of my week, but at the weekend I had some new titles to play with. First of all: Chocobo GP, a Mario Kart clone with Final Fantasy characters, music and tracks. And I have to say: it was very hard to put down. It relies too heavily on the season pass with paid progression, but damn if I’m not a sucker for products exactly like this. It knows how to get me through nostalgia and that’s a slippery slope for me to invest time & money! The review will be on LifeIsXbox shortly! I also got a key for a game that is soon hitting Xbox Game Pass and I can’t wait to tell you all more about that as well!
Most exciting news of last week: All the gaming companies getting together to help out Ukraine. With bundles on Itch.io and soon Fanatical and Humble as well.
Looking forward to playing this week: More Chocobo GP and Elden Ring
This weekend I enjoyed playing through Elden Ring. As an avid souls fan who has played many FromSoft games, I can honestly say this is one of my favourite games they have made to date. It’s an intoxicating experience in which you find it hard to put it down. I also started my review games of WWE 2K 22 & Aeterna Noctis. Both are actually quite fun and enjoyable but the final thoughts will be reserved until the final review is out in a couple of weeks.
Most exciting news of last week: The itch.io 1000 games bundle for $10 that directly helps the people of Ukraine. A solid bundle that is worth so much more than that, but it’s great to see companies like this pitching in to help. Buy this and you probably shouldn’t need any other games ever again.
Looking forward to playing this week: Elden Ring and FAR: Changing Tides.
On Saturday I spent the majority of my time playing Century: Age of Ashes on the Xbox and also played some Dead by Daylight again. While I haven’t bought the newly released killer, Sadako (yet), my friends did have it and played with her against me, and she’s a really cool new killer! On Sunday I spent most of my time on Elex II. Trying my best to get all of those shiny achievements. I also gave Aaero‘s DLC a try. I really loved the first DLC, but the second one wasn’t really my cup of tea.
Most exciting news of last week: The reveal of Gotham Knight’s release date. Really looking forward to Warner Bros Games Montreal’s take on the Batman.
Looking forward to playing this week: Hopefully, I’ll be able to finish up Elex II this week, and I’m also going to play some more Dead by Daylight and Century: Age of Ashes.
On Saturday I went to a friend’s house along with another friend, we played some card games, some board games, Crawl, Nidhogg II, and a few other games I don’t remember the name of. On Sunday I wasn’t at home for most of the day, so I only played a little bit of Roboquest thanks to Games Pass Ultimate, and I enjoyed the little time I had with it.
Most exciting news of last week: The Dead Space remake release window being revealed, which is gonna be in early 2023.
Looking forward to playing this week: The next game I’m reviewing (not sure if I can say its name), maybe some PC games from Games Pass and I still have Yakuza Like A Dragon to finish, I know it’s been a while since I started it but it’s been hard for me to focus on it lately
This weekend I started with Curious Expedition 2. I was super excited to get the opportunity to start with this one since I also got to review the first one… Alas… my excitement wasn’t warranted… Why? Be sure to read my upcoming review! Other than that I am having a BLAST with Elden Ring. Though I did restart my character after finding out that I wasn’t enjoying the class I picked first. Honestly? I wouldn’t be surprised if this game got the Game of the Year award. My gosh… Some inventory issues aside, this one truly rocks!
Most exciting news of last week: The company that I work for doing some amazing work to support people in Belgium to connect to family and friends in Ukraine, and provide refugees with connection means.
Looking forward to playing this week: Elden Ring and some Magic the Gathering in my LGS!
This weekend’s various options of games I could have been playing were “tarnished” by Elden RIng and its addictive pull. I managed to put General Radahn, the Scourge of the Stars to rest after a truly epic battle. Later on, I also learned the most heartwarming bit of lore about the man. During the cutscene, before you fight him, as well as during the fight, you’ll see him riding this malnourished scrawny steed. “No way does that horse not buckle under that man the size of a house.” I hear you say. Well, it turns out that it doesn’t support his weight. Radahn apparently loves that horse so much that he learned gravity magic just to be able to ride it. He learned it so well he can keep it applied even in madness, teetering on the brink of death that the player needs to push him into. Simply amazing!
Most exciting news of last week: For me, that would be that Frontier Developments are cancelling the console development of Elite Dangerous. While I think it’s a real shame we’re leaving our console brothers and sisters behind, this will ultimately be better for the content that is to come.
Looking forward to playing this week: Shredders is coming to Xbox Series X | S, Game Pass and Steam on the 17th. I’ve been looking forward to this one for a long time now, so I can’t wait to hit the slopes.

Hello, I’m Victoria. I’m from the UK and have been playing video games for as long as I can remember; back on DreamCast. I’ve pretty much fallen for Xbox since I was around eight years old and remember BioShock being my first game on the Xbox360. Although I find it thoroughly enjoyable to not only experience gameplay, I also find comfort in getting lost and engrossed in the online worlds that sometimes differ greatly from what we know. Another side of my Xbox passion would be achievement hunting and gamerscore. I thrive when I hear the little sound of one popping up on the screen and I’m always finding ways to work on my backlog when possible. Horror is my favourite genre so if you have any recommendations, don’t be afraid to send them my way!