Time to look back on the week we’ve just had! What did the weekdays look like for our writers? What was the biggest news from the week? and what are we looking forward to playing during the upcoming weekend? Our Eyes on the Week article will answer all three of these questions!
We’re curious about your opinion and played games, so be sure to share your stuff on our social media channels!
I decided to return to some of my backlog titles this week and the title updates I had available. Adam’s Venture: Origins was the first on my list as I knew how close I was to the end; I only stopped playing because I got stuck on an infuriating puzzle. Once I got past that, I marched on to complete the rest of the game. The games I needed to return to for title updates were Tony and Clyde, Pity Pit, and Project Starship which were all fairly straightforward except the first requiring a little more progression than I’d originally managed.
Relaxing games were also on my agenda this week. Island Farmer and Railway Islands are block puzzles that require you to switch and rotate blocks to create the correct layout/successful track. These were both surprisingly enjoyable and I would love to see more of these in the future. Then I noticed Game of Life 2 was on sale and as it was on my wishlist, I couldn’t ignore the offer. You can see the tidbit-style review Dae Jim recently wrote for Railway Islands [HERE].
For my current review game, I’ve been playing through the recently-released Curse of the Sea Rats. Well, I’ve played through what I was able to – let’s say that. If you have the time to read my latest review, it can be found [HERE].
Most exciting news of this week: Not necessarily news but the new Remix Special Edition Xbox controller looks beautiful and knowing one-third has been made from regrind and reclaimed materials is superb.
Looking forward to playing: I’m hoping to make more progress in Curse of the Sea Rats, carry on with Railways Islands and play [REDACTED].
Finally rolled the credits on Fire Emblem: Three Hopes‘ last path, that game ran out of its welcome after a while, but I still wanted to see all the different endings. I’m also continuing with Wo Long, which is going swimmingly after the tough fight Lu Bu put up. And I played a few more hours of Resident Evil 4 Remake, which will get a review soon (after I discover all the new little ins and outs). I also found myself playing MTG: Arena a lot as that hobby managed to sink its talons back into me.
Most exciting news of this week: the submission period for the Belgian Game Awards is over, so I’m carefully speculating who will win each category this year. ^^
Looking forward to playing: More Resident Evil 4 and Wo Long, hope to finish the latter this week and get the review done (not a lot of gaming time these days)
This week I finally managed to find the time to finish Dead Space Remake. It was a great time all around with a great emphasis on sound & lighting. I have fond memories of the original Dead Space & this one didn’t disappoint.
I have also finally managed to start Cyberpunk 2077 as that has been on my backlog for far too long after buying it the day it came out. So far, I’m loving the craftsmanship that has gone into Cyberpunk & it looks amazing.
Most exciting news of this week: The CMA finding no threat to the Microsoft / Activision buyout.
Looking forward to playing: More Cyberpunk 2077.
I only got to play Ni No Kuni Wrath of the White Witch Remastered during this week, but I did play a little bit of Mortal Kombat 11 at a friend’s house on Sunday and also watched John Wick 4 on the same day.
Most exciting news of this week: Ghostwire Tokyo finally getting a release date for Xbox + Game Pass.
Looking forward to playing: More Ni No Kuni Wrath of the White Witch Remastered, and maybe something else (not sure what that’d be yet).
Wow, this week flew by. I’ve been kept busy for the majority of it, but feel like I still got my fill. As always, I spent the majority of my time on Final Fantasy XIV, this time crafting and selling items and gear, as well as crafting up my own endgame gear set. Constrained by what I can already procure myself and what needs to be bought from my meagre in-game savings it’s been a challenge, but a welcome one.
I also helped a friend with catching and trading the version-exclusive Pokémon in between my Pokémon Violet and his Pokémon Scarlet. I spent way too long trying to find where Iron Valiant hides. In hindsight, why didn’t I google this one?
I put in a bit more time with Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon. I feel like I’m close to the end but it seems like I’m not quite there yet.
Most exciting news of this week: The news that E3 won’t be happening this year has been hard to miss. I hope it returns one day as it’s on my bucket list, but I feel like it’s been past its prime for a couple of years now.
Looking forward to playing: Probably more of the same, but no idea really. I’m still deciding what bigger game to pick up. Something with a meaty story preferably. Persona 5 Royal looks quite appealing, but I’ve been eyeing the Mass Effect Trilogy for a while too now.
This week I have been playing a lot of Ni No Kuni 2: Reverent Kingdom and I have been playing 2 games that are for review, they will be released soon. I have also started a gamerscore competition so I have been playing several games which I have been scoring quick achievements on.
Most exciting news of this week: Possibly several developers pulling out of and the end of 3E as an event, not surprising but noteworthy.
Looking forward to playing: I still need to get Hi-Fi Rush downloaded and played.
I had the opportunity to play some awesome games this week! I have been playing Curse of the Sea Rats. I enjoyed it but it was a bit rough. Today Victoria’s review is live and I’m curious to see what her thoughts are on this game.
I also got the chance to play DREDGE, and I totally understand why so many people talk about how great it is. It has a bit of a creepy setting but it is a relaxing game to play. Just move your boat and catch some fish, for quests or to sell in a shop close by. What is lurking in the darkness… should you really set sail during the night for that special type of fish that only can be caught during the night?
And last but not least, I was able to play the newest Rogue-lite that is in Early Access Spiritfall. Match a 2d rogue-lite with Super Smash Brothers and this comes very close, also add to that the route selection of Slay the Spire. I’m looking forward to seeing how this game will progress during Early Access, but it is already so much fun.
Most exciting news of this week: All the news around E3. It could be spotted from far but it still feels like such a shock. I never got the opportunity to go as it is quite far away. I’m glad to see that Summer Game Fest is growing.
Looking forward to playing: I’ll be playing Unwording and The Magical Mixture Mill next.
Short one this week. I wrapped up my anti-fascist moral crusade upon completing Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus. Sadly, I don’t think either this one or The New Order is as good as The Old Blood. I’d go so far as to say that 2 is the most disappointing of the bunch.
With that one out early in the week, I went back to Guilty Gear Strive… Or tried to. The servers are still in appalling condition and the constant disconnects proved too much for my old man, worn-out patience (and I’m not even 30 yet.) Luckily, the silver lining is Atelier Ryza 3! I finally got my hands on it and what little I played already has me hyped for more!
Finally, I’ve been giving one more game a try, which you’ll be able to read about in an upcoming review. Plus, I might end up re-slotting some games depending on how things shake up. Too many games and not enough time!
Most exciting news of this week: Nothing you haven’t read about above, E3 being basically cancelled and a (not very healthy) commotion about it.
Looking forward to playing: Atelier Ryza 3 is high on the list, but I might drag a friend back to finish Borderlands 2, only one DLC left!

Hello, I’m Victoria. I’m from the UK and have been playing video games for as long as I can remember; back on DreamCast. I’ve pretty much fallen for Xbox since I was around eight years old and remember BioShock being my first game on the Xbox360. Although I find it thoroughly enjoyable to not only experience gameplay, I also find comfort in getting lost and engrossed in the online worlds that sometimes differ greatly from what we know. Another side of my Xbox passion would be achievement hunting and gamerscore. I thrive when I hear the little sound of one popping up on the screen and I’m always finding ways to work on my backlog when possible. Horror is my favourite genre so if you have any recommendations, don’t be afraid to send them my way!