Time to look back on the week we’ve just had! What did the weekdays look like for our writers? What was the biggest news from the week? and what are we looking forward to playing during the upcoming weekend? Our Eyes on the Week article will answer all three of these questions!
We’re curious about your opinion and played games, so be sure to share your stuff on our social media channels!
I’ve been mostly addicted to one game this week with some achievement hunting being thrown in for good measure. Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem has taken up a considerable amount of my time this week as I’m currently playing it for review purposes. I won’t go into much detail as I’d like the review to do the majority of the talking but it’s definitely a game I can myself sinking many more hours into as I would like to aim for the completion if possible.
As for achievement games, as I like to call them, I played Colorful Colore and Golf Peaks. Both were pretty simple in their concept and design but difficult to complete; thank the heavens for achievement guides being available. Maybe it was just me and my brain not being able to comprehend the gameplay but they’ve both been completed now so I’ll be moving on to others over the weekend.
As the April TrueAchievements medals have also been released and will be active from tomorrow, I’ll be finding games that I can play to earn these. I really enjoy doing these as they often get me to look at other games I wouldn’t usually consider playing.
Most exciting news of this week: Atlas Fallen has been delayed for a couple of months but I hope this gives them the time to polish the game enough for a possible May release date. Also, seeing that publisher Eastasiasoft has updated eighteen of their games’ original gamerscore to 2000G was quite something. I don’t think this should have all gone through at once, or maybe at all, but everyone is going to have their own opinion on the situation. Finally, E3 has been cancelled.
Looking forward to playing: Definitely more Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem and anything else that appeals to me. I’m thinking of going back to Stardew Valley and starting a fresh save.
I finally beat Atomic Heart, not as good as a Bioshock title and the protagonist is waaaay too chatty but still had fun exploring the setting and thinking about the world’s rules and ideologies. I don’t see why people can think of it as pro-Soviet and communist though when the game is FULL of commentary on their bad practices. I also beat Lu bu, the toughest boss in Wo Long (even if you face him at the halfway point, the next 2 chapters have been a breeze). and finally, I’m playing Resident Evil 4 Remake and it’s been lovely!
Most exciting news of this week: Ubisoft, Sega and Tencent pulling out of E3 and then hearing that E3 has been cancelled altogether. RIP.
Looking forward to playing: Resident Evil 4 Remake!
This week has been all about Resident Evil 4 Remake. This for me, has been the best game release so far this year. A pure GOTY contender. Not only does it stay faithful to the original, but it adds new content and fleshes out the story for a modern take on the narrative.
Before starting this remake though I went back to the 2005 original where I spent all but 30 mins playing before turning it off. It wasn’t apparent at first, just how badly this game needed a remake. Leon now moves like a real person, and not the robotic movements he had from the original. Gunplay has also been scaled up heavily to allow for more realistic movement, shooting and melee combat. The enemies now swarm you in droves and do a great job at holding you back creating some really intense moments. Not only this, but most of the game now takes place at night giving you that extra sense of horror and dread. Fans of the Village environment from RE8 will also love this.
By far the most impressive part of this whole game is just how well it is tied together with its pacing. This is the way to remake a game. I was sad after finishing it, but I immediately started again as it’s a 10/10. I look forward to whatever Capcom bring next.
Most exciting news of this week: More DLC uncovered for Resident Evil 4 Remake.
Looking forward to playing: MORE RESIDENT EVIL 4 REMAKE!
Again, I haven’t played much this week. First, there’s Ni No Kuni Wrath of the White Witch Remastered again and I’m about 25 hours in so there’s still quite a bit to go. I also played My Little Prince – a jigsaw puzzle tale for an upcoming short review. Not much to say about it, as it is a jigsaw puzzle game, but you’ll find out more in our next tidbits.
Most exciting news of this week: E3 2023 being cancelled which feels pretty disappointing. At this rate I won’t be able to ever attend one.
Looking forward to playing: More Ni No Kuni Wrath of the White Witch Remastered.
As another has come and gone in what feels like a flash, except it was just as long as the one before. Must’ve been the games I played, since I’ve not had a dull moment lately.
Let’s start it off with Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon. I largely played this in shorter sessions here and there. It’s been a blast following the stubborn and endearingly childish Cereza and the curt and singleminded Chesire as they go about their involuntary stroll through the Avalon forest.
When I wasn’t saving whisps as Cereza, I was saving the world as the Warrior of Light in Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker. And save it I did. It’s done. Over. Finalized. I’ve finally made the last push that saw me to the credits and even a “Fin” on the story that had been going on for the past decade over five instalments. It’s been an incredible journey that I’m so glad to have experienced and can recommend to anyone. Now then, time to do all the side content I’ve not gotten to yet, as well as see how the story continues. You didn’t hope to think it was over now, did you?
Most exciting news of this week: We got our first look at The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom gameplay from Eiji Aonuma. They showed off some of the world and new abilities in actual gameplay. Safe to say I’m excited to get my hands on it in May.
Looking forward to playing: Now that I’ve finished FFXIV I’ll be taking another look at my high priority steam backlog. Maybe I’ll start playing Persona 5 Royal, Everspace 2 or Star Ocean Divine force.
This week, I embarked on a moral crusade as I ran, gunned, sprayed and prayed against the Nazi regime in Wolfenstein, the Machine Games saga. I was in the mood for something mostly brainless and reminiscent of some old-school FPS fun, so it was DOOM or this (and I’ll get to DOOM later, don’t you worry.)
Originally, I wasn’t going to play through The Old Blood as it seemed kinda tame compared to the rest of the series; but after the insistence of a friend, I decided to start with that one. I figured I wasn’t going to play it if I started with the much more crazy start point of The New Order.
While I’m still going through Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus, so far I have enjoyed The Old Blood the most, which is surprising, but a pleasant reminder that clinging too hard to baseless conceptions can be bad, and one should try to enjoy the ride as much as possible.
Most exciting news of this week: Multiversus, the award-winning ‘Fighting game of the year’ that never left beta but sold ‘Micro’ transactions of up to US$ 100 is being pulled! The game will go offline on June 25th to return at some point in early 2024. While it’s been mentioned in a video tweet of the official Multiversus account that content and progress will carry over, it is still beyond disappointing that players who have spent their hard-earned money on the game won’t get their money’s worth for at least half a year.
Looking forward to playing: Finishing Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus and then it’ll be back to Persona 5 Royal or finally embarking on Atelier Ryza 3!

Hello, I’m Victoria. I’m from the UK and have been playing video games for as long as I can remember; back on DreamCast. I’ve pretty much fallen for Xbox since I was around eight years old and remember BioShock being my first game on the Xbox360. Although I find it thoroughly enjoyable to not only experience gameplay, I also find comfort in getting lost and engrossed in the online worlds that sometimes differ greatly from what we know. Another side of my Xbox passion would be achievement hunting and gamerscore. I thrive when I hear the little sound of one popping up on the screen and I’m always finding ways to work on my backlog when possible. Horror is my favourite genre so if you have any recommendations, don’t be afraid to send them my way!