Eyes on the Week (25th-29th September)

Time to look back on the week we’ve just had! What did the weekdays look like for our writers? What was the biggest news from the week? and what are we looking forward to playing during the upcoming weekend? Our Eyes on the Week article will answer all three of these questions!

We’re curious about your opinion and played games, so be sure to share your stuff on our social media channels!


This week has been very similar to last week in terms of gaming for me. Lies of P is my main focus right now but I don’t want to mention much as I’m currently writing my review for it. I’m enjoying the challenge and getting through the content but I will be putting much more time into playing over the weekend. Be prepared for the review coming on Monday!

Another Crusade is the other main game I have been playing in between sessions of Lies of P as something a little calmer. This is another review game though so I’ll be sharing my thoughts on the game later next week.

I only played Alphaset by POWGI on a couple of evenings for my daily achievement but also because it actually gets my brain working a little. Yes, I decided to get my brain working just before I go to bed because I’m backwards and nocturnal like that.

Most exciting news of this week: New TrueAchievements Medals for October have been released if you fancy trying to achieve them and also a Halloween event to get involved in! I’m also hopeful for the new update to make captures easier to back up on Xbox.

Looking forward to playing: Lies of P, Another Crusade, and maybe more DE-EXIT – Eternal Matters.


Well, I’ve been sick again all week. COVID got me again with fever, headaches and coughing all included in the nice DLC package. You’d think this would have given me more time to play games, but I just kept working for the most part and had to take care of my sick kid as well.

I did play some more Mortal Kombat 1 – review can be read [HERE] – and I’m aiming to go for the 1000G or close to it in the days and weeks to come, while also playing some races in The Crew Motorfest. The review for this can be found [HERE].

And when I want to just explore an open world full of chaos, fun and mayhem, I play some Bang-On Balls: Chronicles, which Jim will be reviewing for LifeIsXbox, but I’ve also been enjoying it myself.

Most exciting news of this week: Jim Ryan stepping down as head of PlayStation.

Looking forward to playing: Hoping to find some time for Lies of P.


My studies have left me with a pretty fried brain at the end of the day all week long, resulting in me falling back on my comfort games instead of more intensive things. I spent most of my time with Final Fantasy XIV, doing dungeons to farm currency to buy rare items with and progressing the main storyline a little.

Aside from that most of my spare moments went to Honkai Star Rail where I’ve diligently farmed my dailies so I could afford more attempts at pulling Fu Xuan from her limited-time banner. And I DID IT!!! Quite literally as I was writing this. Now that I have her as a second very capable tank, I’ll be able to tackle some of the hardest content in the game that much more reliably.

I also did about 3 quests in Starfield, all of them for the UC Vanguard. Funnily enough, it sent me back to locations I chose to explore before entering Newgame +, thus providing some much-wanted detail on what had, or was about to happen there.

Most exciting news of this week: I read that Jim Ryan is stepping down at PlayStation. I was unfamiliar with the name, but it’s not every day that the CEO of an industry giant steps down.

Looking forward to playing: More of the same honestly. I fear I’ve got some busy times ahead and I don’t like it.


I haven’t played much this week, but I did play a bit of Escape Academy and Trek to Yomi, just so I’d get two easy Xbox Game Pass achievements for daily Microsoft Rewards points. I also initially played Lies of P because of achievements and I liked what I played despite not being much of a souls-like player.

Most exciting news of this week: Jim Ryan stepping down at PlayStation, it felt completely out of nowhere.

Looking forward to playing: Everhood for an upcoming review. I may play a bit more of Mystic Gate for the review that’s coming before Everhood’s and maybe some more Lies of P.


This week I have been all in on a new indie RPG Sea of Stars. I’m not sure whether we’ll be fully covering the game but I’ve been massively enjoying it and it’s on Xbox Game Pass so I highly recommend giving it a go. I have also played two other games that the review will be up for very soon and I have made a start on Starfield – a very basic start however.

Most exciting news of this week: Jim Ryan stepping down at PlayStation is massive and as I stayed away from this segment last week I’ll also mention the Xbox leaks were big news of the last couple of weeks also.

Looking forward to playing: I am hoping to get started on Firewatch, play more of Starfield, and complete Sea of Stars. Unfortunately, it will have to wait a week as I’m away next week.
