Eyes on the Week (16th-20th September)

It’s time to look back on the week we’ve just had! What did the weekdays look like for our writers? What was the biggest news from the week? and what are we looking forward to playing during the upcoming weekend? Our Eyes on the Week article will answer all three of these questions!

We’re curious about your opinion and played games, so be sure to share your stuff on our social media channels!


The Walking Dead Destinies is finally complete. Thank God for that. For someone who has never watched The Walking Dead TV Series, I enjoyed the overall concept of the game but the braindead AI and stand-still cutscenes were a massive killer for me. After looking at how the characters should look vs. how they appeared in-game was a huge disappointment too.

I’ve been assisting Lewis in his playthrough of The Mortuary Assistant which has given me plenty of jump scares I didn’t even realise I needed. I will be playing through it on my own account but for now, I don’t mind being an assistant to the assistant.

I’ve recently bought Life is Strange 2 as I’ve wanted to complete a playthrough of this for a while but only managed to play episode one when it was on Xbox Game Pass. I restarted and I’m now midway through episode 2 and can’t wait to see what the future holds.

Squeezed in a few rounds of Overwatch 2 as I needed to complete my placement matches for competitive. They have not gone to plan which is quite infuriating but I just roll with whatever happens now. You can’t always get good teammates and win at the end of the day.

Me and Lewis also started The Casting of Frank Stone in ‘Die Together’ mode. We are taking our time though and have reached Chapter 4. I’m in love with the amount of Dead by Daylight references and the little chests you can find. So far, so good. Let’s see if we can keep everyone alive, ey?

Most interesting news of this week: Nintendo has started legal proceedings towards suing Palworld which I believe was inevitable, to be honest. Also, the Xbox Ambassador program is coming to an end which is a real shame. I look forward to seeing how the Rewards with Xbox and Xbox Research will expand though.

Looking forward to playing: Life is Strange 2, The Casting of Frank Stone, and Overwatch 2 I would imagine.


I had just beaten Astro Bot and then a playdate friend of my daughter deleted my save file. 24 hours gone down the drain. But… I’m not giving up and started a new save file. It’s really THAT good!

I also started playing Necro Story as it’s my client’s game and I need to ensure it runs well on all platforms before sending out codes. And still enjoying some Slash Quest on PC too! Review incoming!

Most interesting news of this week: Nintendo just sued Palworld. That’s going to be interesting.

Looking forward to playing: [REDACTED], but in VR 🤘 (more soon!)


I’ve been playing Nine Witches: Family Disruption, a good adventure game with an interesting story and plenty of humour.

I’ve started playing The Case of the Golden Idol for easy Xbox Game Pass achievements. It’s been unique and pretty interesting. I also started Kona II: Brume which I was enjoying until I got lost on what I should do next.

Most interesting news of the week: The ambassadors program nearing its end, as well as Nintendo suing Palworld.

Looking forward to playing: More The Case of the Golden Idol and Nine Witches Family Disruption.


I have been playing Drill Core, what an addictive game! it is the perfect game for “one more round” ending up doing like 5 more runs. Looking forward to seeing how this will be after the Early Access period.

Another game I played this week is Hadley’s Run: A Starship Saga. it has such a unique but beautiful art style and the gameplay is so much fun. A roguelite in which you have a spaceship and kill tons of enemies, but it has a lot of story elements as well.

And last but not least, Copycat. what a beautiful game, but quite an emotional story. I was prepared for the emotional story but still cried so hard at a certain point. It does such an amazing job of telling the story. Highly recommended for those who love cats and don’t mind a good cry!

Most interesting news of the week: The Pokemon versus Palword thing is crazy. However to focus on something positive this week.. a release date for Necro Story! I love Healer’s Quests and have been following the developer for years while he is working hard on Necro Story.

Looking forward to playing: The Holy Gosh Darn releases next week and looks so interesting.


This week I’ve been playing Star Wars Outlaws, which I’ve been really enjoying. You can check out my review [HERE] I’ve also been playing Mining Mechs, which was recommended to me by a friend and I’m glad he did, it’s a fun game for a low price that’s recently released. I’ve also been playing Hidden Cats in Berlin and Wargroove 2.

Most interesting news this week: The announcement that Xbox is closing down the Xbox Ambassador program on October 15th and planning to expand new Rewards with Xbox and Xbox Research (the research team within Xbox), with updates to be announced soon.

Looking forward to playing: Even more Star Wars Outlaws, Mining Mechs and Stray Blade (which is part of this weekend’s free play days on Xbox)
