Eyes on the Week (16th-20th January)

Time to look back on the week we’ve just had! What did the weekdays look like for our writers? What was the biggest news from the week? and what are we looking forward to playing during the upcoming weekend? Our Eyes on the Week article will answer all three of these questions!

We’re curious about your opinion and played games, so be sure to share your stuff on our social media channels!


Another mixture of games for me this week. I started The Assembly, an interesting game I enjoyed my time with. The story kept me interested from beginning to end and that’s always a plus in my books. I also started Yuoni – a game I’ve been meaning to review for some time but had issues starting up originally. A scary game of hide and seek which I think will be hit or miss with many. You can read my review [HERE] if you have a moment to spare. Next, I played Mixups by POWGI and yes, I used a walkthrough as I got stuck fairly early on. It’s one that I didn’t enjoy as much compared to other POWGI games as the concept was pretty unimaginative. Surprisingly, I have been playing the odd game of SMITE over the past week since season 9 is coming to an end and I wanted to get my rewards for playing ten games – mainly for the Nu Wa battleship skin. The SWC was incredible to watch and I can’t wait to see what teams emerge this year. One game I’m desperate to finish is CrossfireX and, luckily, all I have remaining now is to play 100 matches so I’m going to be working on this gradually over the next few weeks probably as it’s pretty often I struggle to find a game. Last but by no means least, I dived into Justice Sucks: Tactical Vacuum Action for another review and I’m having an absolute blast with it. You can read the review for this [HERE] if you think you may be interested in playing as a killer vacuum cleaner; literally.

Most exciting news of this week: Coffee Talk getting a sequel was pleasantly unexpected. Also, I was excited when I noticed I could preload the install for Age of Empires II on Xbox ready for the release on the 31st January. I almost forgot to add the Year 10 patch notes for SMITE have been released and I’ve enjoyed watching people test the PTB on PC via Twitch. Should be released next week!

Looking forward to playing: SMITE, CrossfireX, Justice Sucks, a couple of review games, and whatever else takes my fancy!


I kept on playing One Piece Odyssey as I really want to beat the game 100% and I’ll be sure to update my REVIEW with a score when I do. I’ve also started playing Magic The Gathering Arena again as I’ve promised myself to attend some physical events again this year and go out more. It’s been too long since I’ve been trapped inside.

Most exciting news of this week: I heard the EU will be investing in games and one of their ideas is a EU games Award show. Really interested in hearing more!

Looking forward to playing:  Gonna try to beat One Piece Odyssey in the weeks to come. and maybe start a new title for review 😉


I only played Persona 5 Royal this week, but I didn’t have internet from last Saturday to Monday evening, so I spent some time watching movies during that time.

Most exciting news of this week: Nothing too exciting happened this week, as far as I’m aware.

Looking forward to playing: More Persona 5 Royal and whatever review games I get.


I’ve stuck to my guns this week as I continued my journey in Final Fantasy XIV. It felt as though my own story has taken a bit of a detour as I spent the majority of my time looking for fashionable armor to wear alongside my Excalibur Zeta and Aegis Shield Zeta. In the end, I found a good look but had to drag 5 willing souls with me to the raid boss of Sigmascape V4.0 on Savage difficulty. I am happy to report it looks amazing though.

Also went hunting again, this time to raise the master rank of my buddy to 50 and clear out some of the new monsters that were added. Due to the timely intervention of 2 incredibly well-geared hunters, we laid low our targets in record times. Violet Mizutsune, Furious Rajang and Chaotic Gore Magala all left us with some shiny loot to fashion into gear. How kind of them.

What hasn’t seen the light of day, because it’s always night, is Phasmophobia. While I’m sure this doesn’t sound like much, I feel I’m about ready to move to intermediate difficulty. The bigger maps will have to wait a bit longer I’m afraid. Literally and figuratively.

Most exciting news of this week: I’m not sure if the news came this week, but I saw yesterday that Special Effect’s Gameblast has dates. February 24 – 26! You most likely know a streamer who will be taking part, so tune in.

Looking forward to playing: Not really sure this time around.


Hello, the cast is off so only a couple more weeks until I return to normal but this has allowed me to play more games which is nice. This week I started playing TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge which is a throwback to old side-scrolling beat ’em ups and is a lot of fun. Also, I played The Long Dark which is a survival game set in the wilderness of Northern Arctic Canada.

Most exciting news of this week: Not gaming news but the news my wrist is healing up is lovely.

Looking forward to playing: I might give One Piece Odyssey a go at some point.
