Eyes on the Week (12th-16th September)

Time to look back on the week we’ve just had! What did the weekdays look like for our writers? What was the biggest news from the week? and what are we looking forward to playing during the upcoming weekend? Our Eyes on the Week article will answer all three of these questions!

We’re curious about your opinion and played games, so be sure to share your stuff on our social media channels!


Needless to say, I’ve played quite a variety of games this week – some new and some of which I have returned to. Plague Inc: Evolved, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R, and Maggie the Magnet are all new games I have started this week with the last two being played as review titles. I have played Plague Inc: Evolved on mobile before but as a game that has 1800G to obtain and is something I can casually jump in and out of, I’m going to -respectfully- have fun developing my own viruses and seeing what scenarios I can play out. The games I returned to consisted of Tinykin to get some of the miscellaneous achievements I missed during my first playthrough, Super Soccer Blast to work towards my September Cooperative Medal on TrueAchievements, Mushroom Savior to complete the recent title update, a few games on Dead by Daylight to further level up any survivors whose perks I don’t have access to currently, and Wolfenstein: Youngblood to work on my masteries for each weapon as this is a completion I’m keen to have on my profile.

Most exciting news of this week: Plenty of announcements and news shared a the TGS2022, showing Xbox Games Pass will receive numerous games, leaving many wondering how they’ll have the time to play everything! In addition, seeing Deathloop finally making its way to us on Xbox is exciting – and Xbox Games Pass! Turnip Boy Robs a Bank is planned to release in early 2023 which has caught my attention after watching my partner play Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion.

Looking forward to playing: More Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R, Maggie the Magnet while also starting JUSTICE SUCKS and The Gallery – All future review games!


A week of starting new games for me: I was VERY excited to finally play the full release of You Suck At Parking and was surprised how much fun the multiplayer is. Really, that’s one of my biggest recommendations to check out and it sure helps that it’s a Belgian game. The very next day we were spoiled again with Metal: Hellsinger releasing and you all know how much I love rhythm games. It reminds me a lot of BPM but even does a few things better. (check my BPM review here)

Most exciting news of this week: So many Japanese games coming to Xbox Game Pass. Persona 5 is out soon and Ni No Kuni was a surprise drop at Tokyo Game Show. We’re feasting!

Looking forward to playing: More You Suck at Parking & Hellsinger, but also planning to spend some time on my Switch on holidays, who knows, might finally beat Pokémon Sword.


I mostly played Catmaze for my latest review which can be read [HERE]. I also played a bit of MultiVersus with a friend and played his newest game called So Fart Away which was submitted for a game jam. Finally, I started Chenso Club for my next review and it left a pretty good first impression on me.

Most exciting news of this week: All the Tokyo Games Show announcements for Xbox, it’s good to see Xbox making an effort to grow in Japan.

Looking forward to playing: More Chenso Club, and if I get to play something else it could be GTA IV and/or Dead by Daylight.


Another week I kept fairly straightforward in terms of what I played. If you’ve read my last couple of entries I can report I’m still playing Final Fantasy XIV. My quest for financial stability in Eorzea is a long one, yet it’s going smoothly. Furthermore, I also played a good bit of Train Sim World 3, coasting my way across various rail networks trying to wrangle these trains into submission. You can look forward to my full review on that soon.

Most exciting news of this week: It went as quickly as it came, a Nintendo Direct swept across the internet and made several announcements. While the new Pikmin 4 and myriad of farming games didn’t speak to me, I’m ecstatic that we got another trailer, title AND the release date for the upcoming Zelda game. Tears of the Kingdom.

Looking forward to playing: Time on Frog Island, as well as getting a hunkering to give Cyberpunk 2077 another go.
