In Eyes on the Weekend we share what our LifeisXbox team has been playing, most of the times we have our hands full with review games. Some of those have embargo’s so we can’t always openly share what we are playing. What is interesting for us is to see what YOU have been playing! Be sure to let us know on social media!

Played: PACER | Prey | Fallout 4 | Pinkman + | Doodle Devil | DOOM 3 | Jeopardy! | Wheel of Fortune | Secret … I think you might see a connection in my played games this weekend? Xbox Game Pass now has 20 Bethesda games and I restarted Doom 3, Prey, and Fallout 4 to experience some of that finalization mood from Microsoft’s successful ZeniMax acquisition. I’m in the same boat as Robby and can’t talk about a ‘soon to release’ game that I’m reviewing. Two other games I’m going to write about are PACER and Pinkman +, which should be online soon. The rest of the gaming time was together with my girlfriend, Jeopardy! and Wheel of Fortune are both excellent games to locally play, you do need to download these games from the US Xbox Store though.

Played: Killer Queen Black | FUSER | Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memories
I played a few games this weekend, and while the majority of it was spent with a game I can’t tell you about (yet), I CAN tell you about Killer Queen Black, a 4-v-4 multiplayer game with pixel graphics. It’s a pretty fun title with 3 ways to win:
- Beat the opponent’s Queen 3 times (with your own queen or an upgraded drone)
- or as a drone, you can also collect berries for an economic victory
- or, my personal favorite, ride a snail across the finish line.
I played around 20 matches online and was surprised to always see plenty of other players online and only need a minimal amount of bots, guess gamepass really is great at bringing people to check out multiplayer titles they could otherwise leave unnoticed. I might even review this one.I also went back into Fuser and Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memories to clean up some achievements I was still missing. Rhythm games are always great to return to, even if you’re playing other games as your main passtime. There’s just something about them that calms my nerves and makes me happy

Played: Magic Twins
This weekend was amazing, Xen surprised me with a surprise visit and we played some Magic Twins together. It’s a cute game with fun gameplay but ill let Xen talk about that since it will be his review (soon on the site!) The rest of the time we walked the dog or watched S.W.A.T. Lovely weekend being able to hug Xen again!

Played: Tell Me Why | SMITE
I had a treat in store for my weekend and that was brought to me by Tell Me Why on Xbox Games Pass. I had been putting it off as I needed to be in a focused mindset to play and I must say, the game was definitely worth the wait. The whole game had me questioning “what next” which I love about these games. I’ve definitely found some new in-game characters to appreciate and can I just take a second to say the topics covered throughout were very well done indeed in my opinion. One I’d highly recommend if you haven’t played this already! And without much surprise, finished off with some games of SMITE where I’ve found Hachiman to be a new hunter I would like to learn to play more often.

Maui | Played: Sizeable | Two Point Hospital: Jumbo Edition | Crash Bandicoot 4
I kicked off the weekend by playing Sizeable, a Belgian game releasing later this week! I can already tell you that this is a game to keep your eye on, what an indie gem! You’ll read my review for this game later this week! The rest of my weekend was also dedicated to testing games for LifeisXbox. I was lucky enough to get a Nintendo Switch code for Two Point Hospital: Jumbo Edition and Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time! Boy, did I have a good time with both these games! I spent most my time with Two Point Hospital and even got my boyfriend excited about the game! He also bought it on Steam, haha! Keep an eye on our website and socials for the reviews!
Michael | Played: Cardaclysm
Last Friday I started playing Cardaclysm, an RPG cardgame. I really enjoyed the first bit of the game and I’m excited to continue. Watch out for my review later this week! On Saturday, I had to work all day and spent the evening with Maui watching National Treasure 2. On Sunday there was some football on TV (Go PSV), and I saw Maui play Two Point Hospital and bought it myself as well on Steam. I’m really enjoying buying and managing my own hospitals!

Played: Magic Twins | Diablo 3
So to continue at the points of Mikachu, I had a great weekend as well. I popped up in the Netherlands as a total surprise, and we played Magic Twins. The game looks and feels the way it is supposed to be, but you will be able to read all about that on the 18th of this month! When I was riding on the train, I mostly watched The Flash and The Expanse, also a bit of The Blacklist 3 great series that are keeping me busy. When I came home, I spent my first 15 minutes on Diablo 3. Looking forward to what this game will bring us.

Founder | Editor-in-chief | Social Media Manager
Gaming is a passion and I wanted to share my Xbox enthusiasm. That’s why I started LifeisXbox, to make sure gamers all around the world know what games they should buy or avoid. I would like to thank you for visiting my website. Your support is very welcome and I hope you stick around!