Clustertruck review

Review: Clustertruck | Sometimes you have to wonder how some developers come up with game ideas. Working out new gameplay mechanics ideas isn’t always easy but Landfall studios pretty much nailed it. Read more about Clustertruck in this review!


  • The idea behind Clustertruck is original, well executed and honestly, really fun. In a First person view you jump around white moving trucks, you aren’t allowed to touch anything else. Why? I don’t know, maybe an extreme case of an allergy? Thing is, anticipating the trucks physics and making split-second decisions based on how the trucks will ride and environment dangers is a hard but addictive gameplay element. Reaching the short levels end seems easy but that’s definitely not the case.
  • Finishing the level fast means you get more points. It literally forces you to constantly take high risks. Sometimes they work, sometimes they fail. This sweat inducing gameplay is highly addictive and that ” just one more level-feeling” is always around the corner.
  • After the weak beginning things turn around pretty fast in a positive way. Giving much more complex and impressive ways for finishing levels.  The developer keeps giving you things that not only look great but plays great. Jumping in the air from truck to truck is such a fun thing, I could do it for days without getting bored.
  • You will either love or hate the graphical style from this crazy truck game. For me it was a very impressive graphical experience that always had great performance. Even with trucks flying all over the place, explosions and lighting effects. Don’t expect to see Forza Horizon 3 graphics but simple, cute visuals can impress me too.

Mixed Feelings

  • Failing the level because the trucks AI isn’t always working like it should. Luckily it rarely happens and the levels are pretty short so you won’t lose that much time.  It can give you some frustrating moments though
  • I understand that a developer wants to truly test gamers with the last and final level but I feel that they didn’t stay true to their gameplay concept. I did not love Clustertruck less for that last level, but I would have loved it more if it was a better one.


  • At first you wouldn’t think that Clustertruck could deliver that much fun. The game suffers from a very weak start, gamers have to be convinced in the first few minutes and I’m afraid many gamers will abandon Clustertruck for its boring first levels that totally don’t capture what the game will be. Let that be a warning for buyers too, please hang on, you will enjoy the game much more after you finished the first levels.
  • The controls are a little awkward, it’s not like a traditional First Person game. making the game harder than it should be.  It was clear that the developers made this choice on purpose, I’m not entirely sure why they did that. One thing I do know is that some gamers will really dislike it.

Score: 81% | Let me first congratulate publisher Tinybuild  for continuously publishing unique and fun games for Xbox One. Final Station and Party Hard to name two, Clustertruck from Landfall Games totally fits Tinybuilds portfolio. It’s a fun, addictive and original game that has a few shortcomings but remains on a positive track. 
