2015 a great game year for Xbox One? YES! But 2016 is better!

You can’t argue with Xbox fans that 2015 is a great year for Xbox One. With State of Decay: Year One Survival, Nero, & Ori and the Blind Forest already available and Rare Replay, Gears of War Ultimate Edition, Forza Motorsport 6, Halo 5: Guardians and more upcoming it’s a very expensive time to be a gamer.   Microsoft proudly mentions “The Greatest Xbox Line-up Ever” but 2016 is shaping up to be even better, especially for new IP’s!

Let us take a quick look for 2016:

  • Gears of War 4 (Holiday 2016)
  • Scalebound (2016, likely Holiday)
  • Crackdown (2016)
  • Recore (Spring 2016)
  • Quantum Break (Early 2016)
  • Sea of Thieves (2016, but I expect 2017)

With Gamescom 2015 and E3 2016 still coming up new games are a given, for example the yearly Forza game. Microsoft still has a few game studios that are working on secret games. Think about Twisted Pixel, Press Play, Lift London or  Decisive Games.  It will be interesting what the future will bring.

New IP’s!

You read it all the time on Twitter and gaming websites “Xbox only has Halo, Fable and Forza” Granted, these games are very popular  on Xbox but Microsoft really made an effort with new IP’s on Xbox One. Just look at Ryse, Sunset Overdrive, Ori and the Blind Forest, Kalimba and Project Spark. 2016 is the year for new IP’s for Xbox and let’s hope for commercial succes for all games.

– Sea of Thieves!
Rare seems to be back and it’s about time, they had some very good Kinect games but gamers hoped for something else and Microsoft delivered big time with Rare Replay and Sea of Thieves. Playing as a pirate with friends is a great concept and I have faith that it will turn out good, although Rare isn’t the Rare anymore from before.

– Quantum Break!
Pushed back a few times and I feel the game lost a few hype after the past months. I really hope for Remedy and Quantum Break that it will become a commercial succes, removing the game from the Holiday line up was a good choice and having your exclusives spread out in the year is better than having them all in the Holiday. even though I love Remedy and the concept behind Quantum Break I fear for a lackbuster experience and low reviews.

– Recore!
Not much is known about this game but it’s coming out in the spring 2016. Legendary game developer Keiji Inafune is behind this game, let’s hope it turns out great.

– Scalebound!
If you ask me, I think this will be one big reason to buy an Xbox One, we’ll see and know more in a few weeks but Platinum Games makes awesome games and the concept behind this is epic.

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